Bursaries for Veterinary Science studies

1.         Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF)

Full bursaries covering tuition, accommodation and subsistence are available from the national department as well as from provincial departments of agriculture.  These bursaries are advertised during the last few months of the year and allocations made at the end of the year for the subsequent academic year.  They are all subject to a contract between the department and the recipient. Please contact www.daff.gov.za or go to www.up.ac.za/feesfunding 

 2.        University of Pretoria (UP)

The Faculty receives an allocation for bursaries on an annual basis. These bursaries may be full or partial bursaries depending on the availability of funds. They are specifically aimed at assisting students with financial need. Click on www.up.ac.za/feesfunding under Fees and Funding – Undergraduate Funding – Funding: UP Managed Bursaries

3.         NSFAS

Students may apply for assistance from this source on an annual basis.  Allocations are made to students with proven financial need according to accepted formulas.  These allocations are initially in the form of loans but may be converted to partial or full bursaries under specific circumstances. See their website at www.nsfas.org.za or go to www.up.ac.za/feesfunding under Fees and Funding – Undergraduate Funding – Funding: Loans (NSFAS and other)

4.         Miscellaneous

The Office of the Director: Teaching and Learning assists in the administration of a small number of bursaries sponsored by various trusts and wills, some directly and others in liaison with the bursary section of the University. The majority of these cover tuition fees either partially or in full.

5.         SA Veterinary Foundation (SAVF)

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The Foundation makes a small number of partial bursaries available on an annual basis. Go to http://www.savf.org.za/

6.         Industry and private companies

Various companies are willing to sponsor veterinary students – details are available from the Client Service Centre (CSC) of the University of Pretoria (012) 420 3111