University of Pretoria Pages

University of Pretoria General Information

UP is a leading research university in South Africa and one of the largest in the country.

The University has seven campuses as well as a number of other sites of operation, such as the Pretoria Academic Hospital. Central administration is located at the Hatfield Campus.

The University of Pretoria (UP) offers more than 1 800 academic programmes in two of the official languages, namely Afrikaans and English. (Some programmes and modules are offered only in English.)

In 1996, the University of Pretoria became the university with the highest research output in South Africa and we have maintained this status.

The University of Pretoria celebrated its Centenary in 2008.

The academic programmes of the University are offered in nine faculties, as well as a business school. The faculties comprise a total of 140 departments and 85 centres, institutes and bureaus. UP is at the forefront of tertiary education in the country and collaborates with world-class partners to ensure continued excellence in learning and teaching.

UP Faculties:

  • Economic and Management Sciences
  • Education
  • Engineering, Built Environment and Information Technology
  • Health Sciences
  • Humanities
  • Law
  • Natural and Agricultural Sciences
  • Theology
  • Veterinary Science

Business School:

  • Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS)

University of Pretoria A –  Z

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