Invitation: Managing your time equals success!


Invitation: Managing your time equals success!

12 April

FLY@UP, in collaboration with the Department of Library Services, invites you to attend our workshop.

Date: Thursday, 4 May

Time: 12:00–13:30

Venue: Auditorium, Merensky 2 Library, Hatfield Campus

Presenter: Mrs Hestie Byles

More information: Hestie Byles was a junior lecturer and later a lecturer in the Centre for Academic Development until she took over the management of the Centre in 2010. She is an educational psychologist with a special interest in academic development especially study skills and academic writing. She is currently enrolled for a PhD where her focus is finding ways of enrolling students based on resilience and agency.

Target audience: Undergraduate students

Please RSVP electronically


– Author Elsabe Olivier

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