Memorable moments: what makes a tourist experience?


Memorable moments: what makes a tourist experience?

23 May

A new feature has been published on Research Matters.

This month’s feature is titled ‘Memorable moments: what makes a tourist experience?’ The focus is on the work done by researchers in the Tourism Management Division in the Faculty of Economic and Management Sciences, and how their findings are helping the National Department of Tourism to improve tourist experiences in South Africa and address specific challenges at individual tourism sites throughout our beautiful country.

You can access the new feature by visiting, where you will find a short video, an infographic and interesting articles that showcase the work being done by our researchers in this regard. Please feel free to share this information widely in your own social media network and on other channels.

While you are visiting our Research Matters page, please also visit the Programmes page for other articles that show how staff and students are making their days matter through the work they do at UP.

– Author Research Matters

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