One Health Week – World TB Day


One Health Week – World TB Day

15 March

The International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA) of South Africa is very excited to be presenting our first One Health Week in collaboration with Texas A and M University. It will run from 22–24 March and will consist of a three-part lecture series presented cross-continentally on recent topics in One Health, culminating in a presentation from our Dean, Prof Abernethy on the topic: ‘OH TB – Where in the world are we?’

Date: Friday, 24 March (World TB Day)

Time: 16:00

Venue: Room 1-35, Arnold Tyler Building, Onderstepoort Campus

We would like to invite all staff and students to attend the presentation and watch the preceding lectures as they will be live-streamed online and recorded. Please join the Facebook event ‘One World, One Health, One Disease’ to keep up to date on what talks will be streamed and when. We are very excited that our very own Aqil Jeenah will be one of the presenters streaming from Texas A&M University.

For catering purposes, please RSVP by doing the following:

Students: Fill in your name on the sign-up sheets in your classrooms before midday on Wednesday, 15 March.

Staff: Please add your name to the RSVP list by midday on Wednesday, 15 March at the following link:

Please find attached the poster for the event. We trust that all who attend will enjoy this truly global experience!

If you have any questions, feel free to email

– Author International Veterinary Students Association (IVSA) South Africa

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