University of Pretoria Anthropology

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University of Pretoria Anthropology

The Department is relatively small with ten full-time staff and has a friendly, collegial atmosphere. Undergraduate students are encouraged to participate in discussion and debate in class, and in the student societies. Postgraduate students and staff are drawn together in a fortnightly departmental seminar, where they have opportunity to present their own work as well as to learn from and discuss the research of their peers, staff members, and eminent visitors.

Postgraduate Programmes


Entry to the honours course is restricted to students who have obtained an average of at least 65% in their third-year undergraduate majors. The honours course comprises four coursework modules and a research project on an approved topic leading to a research report (mini-dissertation) of between 10-15,000 words.

APL 761: Contemporary Ethnography [20 credits]

APL 754: The Anthropology of Money and Economy [20 credits]

APL 756: Politics and Identity [20 credits]

APL 770: Research Methods [20 credits]

APL 770: Research Report: Anthropology [40 credits]

Master’s and PhD

Master’s and doctoral degrees are by research (dissertation) alone.

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Undergraduate Programme



The first-year modules comprise a general introduction to the main aspects of social-cultural anthropology, including politics, economics, kinship, religion, and South African anthropology. The second-year modules add depth in several of the above areas, but also include new fields such as the anthropology of health and healing and the anthropology of power, wealth and politics. The third year combines more advanced theoretical and thematic modules, including anthropological perspectives on Africa as well as fieldwork and ethnography.  Students conduct an ethnographic research project in the last semester of third year.

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Our first year numbers have grown rapidly in the last few years, and we have a first year intake of over 400 students.

First-year Courses 
APL 110: An Introduction to Social Anthropology.
APL 120: Small Places, Large Issues

Second-year Courses  

APL 210: Sex, Gender and Healing
APL 220: Power and Wealth

Third-year Courses
APL 310: Africa: Anthropological Perspectives
APL 320: Fieldwork, Ethnography and Theory

Contact UP Anthropology Department

Physical address
Office 15, Level 8, Humanities Building, Hatfield Campus, Pretoria
Postal address
Department of Anthropology and Archaeology, University of Pretoria, Private bag X20 Hatfield, Tshwane 0028, South Africa

Tel: +27 (0)12 420-2595
Fax: +27 (0)12 420-4921

Career Opportunities in Anthropology

A graduate of anthropology at the University of Pretoria will have the edge over other applicants in any job interview scenario.  With a critical understanding of society and the ability to construct and defend points of view, anthropology graduates leave university with a special set of tools with which to understand the world they live and work in.

Anthropology provides an important education for entry to careers in teaching and research, non-governmental organisations, development agencies, government consultancy work, public health, AIDS research and prevention, journalism, museums and archival work, advertising and public relations, marketing, diplomacy, human relations, and labour consultancy.

For more information about careers in anthropology, please visit