University of Pretoria Computer Science

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University of Pretoria Computer Science

The Computer Science Department offers two three-year degrees, the BSc (CS) and BSc IT. The degrees equip the graduate to develop software-based solutions for problems in a variety of contexts.

The curricula of our degrees conform to the highest international standards and provide the fundamental knowledge that is required in all important areas of computer science. A wide variety of computer science modules are taught, emphasizing state-of-the-art application of computer science in today’s IT industry. Ethical implications and professional values for the computer science graduate are also covered in the curricula.

The BSc (CS) degree

The BSc (CS) degree emphasises the understanding of computer science fundamentals by offering a wide variety of computer science and mathematics courses. The curriculum is in line with recognised international standards and leads directly to postgraduate degrees in computer science, opening doors to research or positions of responsibility in industry.

The BSc (CS) structure comprises fundamental modules, a University of Pretoria requirement;  core modules, the foundation for the Computer Science requirement of the degree;   and elective modules offering a choice of subjects enabling a student to choose to do only computer science elective modules in the third year of study.

Admission requirements

To obtain admission to this degree, a candidate should have obtained the following:

  • a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with admission for degree purposes; and
  • a minimum Admission Point Score (APS) of 30 in the final Grade 12 examinations; and
  • compliance with the NSC minimum requirements; additionally one of these languages must be English or Afrikaans at level 5 (60-69%); and
  • at least level 5 (60-69%) in Mathematics; and
  • at least level 4 (50-59%) in Life Orientation (excluded when calculating the APS).
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The BSc IT degree

In line with the latest trends in the Information Technology industry, the BSc IT degree offers a selection of Information Technology application environments (referred to as an elective group of the degree), of which a student has to choose one. The degree enables graduates to design and develop systems applied within a particular discipline, but also equips them with adequate domain knowledge within the discipline to be able to do consulting work.

The seven application environments from which a student has to choose, are listed below together with their potential career advancements:

  • Data Science: Data scientist, Data analyst, Big data developer
  • Genetics: bio programming, biotechnology, administration of biological data
  • Geographical Information Science: GIS consultation, environmental analysis for national, provincial and municipal governments, town and regional planning applications
  • IT and Enterprises: IT business analysis and consultation, IT entrepreneurial consultation
  • IT and Law: expert witness in IT related court cases, consultation on IT related laws, computer and security consultation, forensic investigation
  • IT and Music: electronic music analysis, programming of music devices and drivers, digital story telling and advertising
  • Software development: database design and development, human computer interface (HCL) design, programming in multiple environments

The degree comprises fundamental modules, a University of Pretoria requirement;  core modules, the foundation for the Computer Science requirement of the degree;  and elective modules, the required subjects in the application environments.

Admission requirements

To obtain admission to this degree, a candidate should have obtained the following:

  • a National Senior Certificate (NSC) with admission for degree purposes; and
  • a minimum Admission Point Score (APS) of 30 in the final Grade 12 examinations; and
  • compliance with the NSC minimum requirements; additionally one of these languages must be English or Afrikaans at level 4 (50-59%); and
  • at least level 5 (60-69%) in Mathematics; and
  • at least level 4 (50-59%) in Life Orientation (excluded when calculating the APS).
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Contact Details

For more information visit our website.

Courier address

Department of Computer Science
University of Pretoria
South Africa

Physical address

Department of Computer Science
Information Technology Building – Level 4
University of Pretoria
Lynnwood Road
Private bag X20

Telephone and fax

Telephone: +27 12 420 2504
Fax: +27 12 362 5188