Anal cancer – Symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Anal cancer is a type of cancer that develops in the tissues of the anal canal, which is the short tube at the end of the rectum. It is relatively rare but can occur in both men and women. Here is an overview of the symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of anal cancer:


  1. Anal bleeding: This can occur during or after bowel movements and may manifest as bright red blood on toilet paper or in the toilet bowl.
  2. Anal pain or discomfort: Persistent pain or a feeling of pressure in the anal area.
  3. Changes in bowel habits: Persistent changes in bowel movements, such as increased frequency, constipation, or narrow stools.
  4. Anal itching: Constant itching in and around the anus.
  5. Unexplained weight loss: Significant and unintentional weight loss.
  6. Fatigue: Persistent feelings of tiredness and lack of energy.
  7. Skin changes: The presence of a lump or a mass around the anus, or changes in the color or texture of the skin in the anal area.

Diagnosis: If you experience symptoms that raise concerns about anal cancer, it is important to see a healthcare professional. They will perform a thorough examination and may recommend further tests, such as:

  1. Digital rectal examination: A physical examination of the rectum and anus using a lubricated, gloved finger.
  2. Anal Pap test: Similar to a Pap smear, this test involves collecting cells from the anus to check for abnormal changes.
  3. Biopsy: A small sample of tissue is taken from the anal canal for laboratory analysis to determine if cancer is present.
  4. Imaging tests: Such as CT scans, MRI scans, or PET scans, may be ordered to evaluate the extent of the cancer and identify potential metastasis.
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Treatment: Treatment options for anal cancer depend on the stage and extent of the disease. They may include:

  1. Radiation therapy: High-energy beams are used to kill cancer cells.
  2. Chemotherapy: Medications are administered to destroy cancer cells throughout the body.
  3. Surgery: Surgical options include local excision, in which only the cancerous tissue is removed, or more extensive surgeries such as abdominoperineal resection (APR) or radical resection.
  4. Targeted therapy: Some specific medications may be used to target certain types of anal cancer cells.

The specific treatment plan will be determined by a multidisciplinary team of healthcare professionals based on the individual’s condition and preferences. It’s essential to discuss treatment options thoroughly with the healthcare team to make informed decisions.

It’s important to note that early detection and treatment can improve the prognosis of anal cancer. Regular screening for conditions such as HPV and regular check-ups with a healthcare professional can help in identifying any potential issues early on.