B Sc Marine Biology

 B Sc Marine Biology

     The Marine Biology programme can be completed in 3 years, and students graduate with a “BSc (Marine Biology)” degree. First year courses are common to all Biological Sciences students, and are aimed at teaching students university-level basics in Biology, Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics and Statistics. From year 2 onwards, specialisation towards marine biology is provided in several specific marine biology modules. Most other modules in the Marine biology programme in second and third year have a marine biology theme (e.g. in Biol300, Biol205, Biol214, and others). Most modules award marks for practical assignments, projects and tests throughout the semester, and for an exam at the end of the module. The latter comprises usually 50% of the final mark. Students register for 4 modules per semester.
Students graduating after their third year with at least a 60% weighted average, but depending on available places, are eligible to enter a BSc Honours (Marine Biology).

B Sc Marine Biology Course Outline

 B Sc Marine Biology Requirements/Careers

The entrance requirements to enrol for a BSc (Marine Biology) in 2012 are the following:
NSC-Deg with Mathematics, English and Life Orientation 4 and Agricultural Sciences or Life Sciences or Physical Sciences 4
Matric Exemption with Mathematical and Physical Science or Biology or Agricultural Sciences ‘E’HG/’B’ SG.
Note that “Mathematical Literacy” is NOT equivalent to Mathematics, and is NOT sufficient for entry into the BSc (Marine Biology) programme.
The Academic Performance Score (APS) will determine whether you can be accepted into the programme. A minimum of 28 points (excluding those for Life Orientation, which is not counted) for NSC-Deg and Matric Exemption, or 34 points for a Senior Certificate need to be reached for being considered for entry into the BSc (Marine Biology) programme. However, acceptance is also dependent on availability of places at the university.

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Career opportunities

Environmental Consultant
Resource Manager
Laboratory/Field Technician
Policy Maker

Working in:

Department of Water & Environmental Affairs (DWEA)
Oceans & Coasts (formerly Marine and Coastal Management – MCM), branch of Department of Water & Environmental Affairs (DWEA).
Department of Agriculture, Forestry & Fisheries (DAFF).
National Research Foundation (NRF)
Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)
National Biodiversity Institute (SANBI)
Environmental Consultancies
Oceanographic Research Institute (ORI)
Nature Conservation: e.g. EKZN Wildlife,
Cape Nature
Universities of Technology
Environmental Laboratories
Commerce and Industry
More information about the Marine Biology Programme may be obtained from the office at the School of Life Science (previously School of Biological and Conservation Science):
Mrs. Yvonne Gengiah (Senior Administrative Officer)
School of Life Sciences
University of KwaZulu-Natal
Westville Campus
Durban 4041, South Afri
Email: gengiah@ukzn.ac.za
Tel: +27-(0)31 260 3192
Fax: +27-(0)31 260 2029 ·