BComHons Informatics

BComHons Informatics

Admission Requirements

Relevant BCom degree with 60% for Informatics on 3rd year level or equivalent IT courses.
Preparatory work for the honours degree, as determined by each Head of Department, with an assessment thereof, is compulsory for all candidates. Candidates can be exempted from this requirement if they pass an exemption assessment as determined by the head of the department concerned.
A candidate may be refused admission to an honours degree by the Head of Department if he or she does not comply with the level of competence required in the subject as determined by the department – with the proviso that a candidate, who fails to comply with the level of competence required, may be admitted if additional study assignments, as agreed upon, are completed and/or examinations are written.
A candidate, who is refused admission to an honours degree, may request that the Dean reconsiders his or her application for admission in terms of the set procedures.

BComHons Informatics

Additional Requirements

Preparatory work for the honours degree, as determined by each Head of Department, with an assessment thereof, is compulsory for all candidates. Candidates can be exempted from this requirement if they pass an exemption assessment as determined by the head of the department concerned.
A candidate may be refused admission to an honours degree by the Head of Department if he or she does not comply with the level of competence required in the subject as determined by the department – with the proviso that a candidate, who fails to comply with the level of competence required, may be admitted if additional study assignments, as agreed upon, are completed and/or examinations are written.
A candidate, who is refused admission to an honours degree, may request that the Dean reconsiders his or her application for admission in terms of the set procedures.
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BComHons Informatics

Faculty Enquiries
Economic and Management Sciences  Ignatius Dire  +27 (0)12 420 5278 ignatious.dire@up.ac.za
Alta Erasmus +27 (0) 12 420 3062 alta.erasmus@up.ac.za