BIS Information Science UP

BIS Information Science UP

What does the degree entail?
The increasing amount of information available and growing information needs have necessitated the training of information intermediaries to effectively facilitate the bringing together of users and the information they require. This package focuses on the use of information technology and the processing of information products and is designed to train students in the management, retrieval and organisation of information, and also teaches them how to add value to, package and distribute information. Students will also have the opportunity to develop knowledge and skills in the management of one of the most important resources of enterprises – information and knowledge.
Two or three specialization options are available, depending on the electives chosen.
The degree offers the following career opportunities:

  • information manager (manages information and knowledge resources) ;
  • information specialist (organises, retrieves and adds value to information);
  • information consultant (consults on information products, services and systems);
  • information broker (acts as an ‘infopreneur’ and buys and sells information products and services);
  • system specialist (develops and analyses information systems).

BIS Information Science UP

Package organiser:
Mr W van Wyk
IT-building 6-41
Tel: +27 12 420 5908

“A dynamic career in the information era”
Do you want to?

  • Be part of the international information society?
  • Buy and sell information?
  • Develop information systems?
  • Manage information products and services – also in cyberspace?

BIS Information Science UP

Admission requirements for candidates with a National Senior Certificate for 2015
To obtain admission to this degree programme, a candidate should have obtained the following:
(a) a valid National Senior Certificate with admission for degree purposes; and
(b) a minimum APS of 28 in the final Grade 12 examinations; and
(c) compliance with the NSC minimum requirements; additionally one of these languages must be Afrikaans or English at level 4 (50%-59%); and
(d) if Informatics is elected as an elective subject on first-year level, a minimum of at least level 5 (60-69%) in Mathematics is required.
Duration of study
Students registering for a three-year degree, must complete the degree in a maximum of five years.

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