BIS Publishing UP

BIS Publishing UP

What is “publishing”?
To publish is to produce and issue printed and electronic information for distribution and sale. Published matter includes a wide variety of printed and electronic information products. This study package, however, focuses on the process of publishing books (trade, educational, and academic books) and corporate publications (newsletters, house journals, and annual reports). The publishing process is an interlinked value chain. The various role players in the chain all add value to the published product. BIS (Publishing) equips the learner with the generic skills needed to oversee the publishing process, to manage a specific publishing project and to liaise with and brief specialist role players in the publishing value chain.
What are the objectives of the package?

  • To provide learners with knowledge of the publishing process (including market research; commissioning; copy-editing and proof reading; the visual and production dimensions of publishing; distribution, delivery and sales; marketing and promotion), key role-players as well as trends and initiatives in the local and international publishing industry.
  • To provide learners with the skills needed to perform specific tasks in the publishing process, including the commissioning of new publications; the management of the publishing process of individual projects (by liaising with and briefing professional role-players such as copy-editors, graphic designers, reproduction specialists, printers, marketers and distributors); list building, editorial organization, and the financial and marketing dimensions of publishing.
  • To assist learners to become responsible information intermediaries and to add value to the production and dissemination of books and corporate publications.
  • To make learners aware of the social, ethical and legal responsibilities involved in the publishing process.
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BIS Publishing UP

Which career opportunities are available?
Career opportunities present themselves in a variety of fields in the book publishing industry, the book retail industry and the corporate publishing environment (including government departments; banking and other financial institutions; the tourism industry; service industries; NGOs). Motivated and goal-orientated candidates can become part of this highly competitive environment on entrance level. On-the-job experience will be needed for consequent career development.
Some entrance-level career opportunities include: 

  • general administrative, secretarial or receptionist duties;
  • assisting a specific role-player in the publishing chain:

o   the MD of the publishing house or corporate publishing division;
o   a commissioning editor or publisher;
o   an editorial manager;
o   a production manager ;
o   a marketing manager;

  • market or picture research;
  • copyright negotiations;
  • copy-editing and proofreading (additional language skills needed);
  • marketing and promotion;
  • distribution and delivery.

BIS Publishing UP

Admission requirements for candidates with a National Senior Certificate for 2015
To obtain admission to this degree programme, a candidate should have obtained the following:
(a)      a valid National Senior Certificate with admission for degree purposes; and
(b)       a minimum APS of 28 in the final Grade 12 examinations; and
(c)       compliance with the NSC minimum requirements; additionally one of these languages must be Afrikaans or English at level 5 (60%-69%).
Duration of study
Students registering for a three-year degree, must complete the degree in a maximum of five years.

BIS Publishing UP

(Code 12131006)
Package coordinator:
Dr Beth le Roux
(012 420 2426)