Edgemead High Courses

Edgemead High Courses

Edgemead High Courses

Accounting         – The language of business!
Head: Mr S. Goslett, send mail
Accounting has three main areas:
1. Financial Accounting –  The recording of financial transactions as well as the analysis,
interpretation and communication of financial statements.
2. Managerial Accounting – This includes concepts such as costing and budgeting.
3.  Managing Resources – Tools in managing resources include internal controls, internal audits
and ethics.
By taking Accounting learners will acquire the skills to:

  • Interpret financial data to make informed decisions
  • Communicate financial information effectively
  • Develop an understanding of Accounting concepts
  • Organise and manage their finances responsibly
  • To engage in problem solving
  • Develop characteristics such as ethics, sound judgement, orderliness, accuracy and neatness.

Afrikaans – Eerste Addisionele Taal
Head: Mrs S. Adams, send mail
Leerders word blootgestel aan ander kulture en dialekte. Hulle word aangemoedig om ‘n liefde vir die taal te ontwikkel.
Die volgende aspekte word in die kurrikulum gedek:

  • Taalvaardighede,
  • Literatuurstudie,
  • Formele en informele praat,
  • Lees en begrip
  • Skryf.

As een van die 11 amptelike tale van Suid-Afrika, is dit nodig dat almal bewus moet wees van Afrikaans.
Computer Applications Technology (CAT)
Head: Mrs M. Vellacott, send mail
What Is Computer Applications Technology?
Computer Applications Technology is the study of the integrated components of a computer system (hardware and software) and the practical techniques for their efficient use and application to solve everyday problems. The solutions to problems are designed, managed and processed via end-user applications and communicated using appropriate information and communication technologies.(ICTs). ICTs are the combination of networks, hardware and software as well as the means of communication, collaboration and engagement that enable the processing, management and exchange of data, information and knowledge. The mains topic areas of Computer Applications Technology are:

  • Solution Development
  • Systems Technologies
  • Internet Technologies
  • Network Technologies
  • Information Management
  • Social Implications
  • Human Computer Interaction
  • Presentation and Communication
  • Proficient Use of Hardware and Software

The practical applications / techniques that we will cover in Computer Applications Technology are:

  • Word Processing (Microsoft Word)
  • Spreadsheets (Microsoft Excel)
  • Databases (Microsoft Access)
  • Presentations (Microsoft PowerPoint)
  • HTML coding / Web Design using Notepad

The learners will be examined on both Theory and Practical. There will be entrance criteria for this subject.
Learners who are unable to behave responsibly cannot be allowed to use the computer centre.
Costs:  R100 per term
Consumer Studies    A subject we cannot live without!
Head:  Mrs van der Westhuizen, send email
Learners are equipped with various skills, opening up opportunities in:

  • Interior design
  • Clothing design
  • Culinary arts
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Dietetics, and many others

Learners are provided with opportunities to practice what they learn:

  • Practical food lessons
  • Budgeting

Projects in:

  • Clothing
  • Housing
  • Entrepreneurship

Investigating consumer related issues such as:

  • food irradiation
  • organic foods
  • food security

Dramatic Arts
Head: Mrs M. Wallace, send mail
Aim:   To develop learners’ personal resources, technique, voice, movement & acting.
Learners also apply these techniques, through performance to many different styles of text, poetry, drama, narrative, physical theatre.
In order to apply their skills they have to study and understand different styles and texts through the ages and across cultures.
Learners also need to communicate their understanding and knowledge through written analysis, comparison, discussion and reflection.
Broadly speaking:  Learners do applied theory – half the marks are written theory, half practical performance.
Some activities they could engage in:

  • Theatre performance in Candle Light Theatre, watching videos’ of productions, power-point presentations of research, movement classes & story theatre to primary schools.
  • Grade 10 groups run the Candle Light exam events.
  • Grade 11s’ script their own text for the end of year.
  • Attend theatre events outside school.
  • Directing, acting, design & theatre technology.

Over the course of the three years the learners will read about 25 plays and study 8 in depth.
Play reading takes place during lesson time and all learners are expected to take part.
Head: Mr M. Crewe, send mail
As we are an English medium school all learners have to take English as Home Language. This also means that all of your subjects are taught in English. (Afrikaans and Isixhosa excluded)
An important distinction between English and other subjects is the fact that it is not content-bound i.e. the whole world becomes your textbook and there is no topic that cannot be explored.
When you study English you cover many different genres: Grammar; Reading; Speaking; Novel; Drama; Poetry; Film study; Short stories etc.
But there are other reasons why English deserves proper respect:

  • It is the most widely spoken language
  • It is the preferred language in politics, business and entertainment
  • Most pages on the Web are in English. That’s over a billion pages of information. It’s amazing that just one language gives you access to almost all knowledge on the internet
  • Books: Whatever you are interested in you can read about it in English. Every famous book was written in English or it was translated into English. There are an amazing number of titles – from classic plays like Hamlet to modern thrillers like Jurassic Park
  • Computers: Most computer applications are in English

These are but a few reasons why English is the most important subject one should do at school.
Head: Mr S. Wright, send mail
Geography is possibly the most valuable of all subjects in that it develops lateral thinking skills across various learning areas. It also has a proud tradition in that we have only had one failure at matric level for the many years the school has been running.
In grade 10 an intensive study is done regarding population statistics, movements and our impact on one another and on the earth as a whole. The earth structure as a whole is then studied, with regard to folding, faulting, crust movements, earthquakes and volcanoes, rocks, weathering and erosion.
A brief but important study is then made of climatology which introduces some of the basics concepts for the FET phase. A solid foundation is also laid down regarding map work, GIS and map projections, which is then developed further in grades 11 and 12.
The SBA is composed of 6 tutorials, data project, population project and a map work exercise project. The two smaller exams and June also count towards the SBA mark.
In grade 11, the study of climate is broadened, and an aspect of Geomorphology namely horizontal and inclined strata is studied in depth, including the impact on people and settlements.  The Physical Geography is followed by an in-depth study of development, resources and sustainability. The mapwork component is also broadened to prepare the learners for their matric year.
The SBA comprises 3 tutorials, data project, fluvial and marine project, ecology project and map work project. The two minor exams and June also comprise a small portion of the SBA mark.
In grade 12 an in-depth study is done regarding rural and urban areas, and how man interacts in these different environments. Climate is then studied in depth together with a further advanced study of fluvial action, land forms, weathering and erosion. Map work now covers all aspects of geography namely geomorphology, rural and urban.
The SBA consists of an urban study of Cape Town project, data project, map exercise project, assessments of the two sections along with the June and September exams.
Head: Mrs M. du Plessis, send mail
Why should learners take the subject?
Gone are the days of old when History books were covered in dust and dates were recited like one’s prayers before a major exam.
History is now made up of:

  • Syntheses
  • Analysis
  • Critical thinking
  • Debate
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The above skills are imperative in the working world and in the tertiary education phase. The focus is now not so much on knowledge (although this is also important. One has to learn about the past, or how else are we going to move into the future?) ,but rather on the retainment of skills – skills that will make one a well-rounded and gifted individual, one who knows how to analyse and critically think of the world around them.
The History department’s mission:
To create self-functioning and well-rounded individuals, who are able to stand on their own two feet, have an opinion, express that opinion, but at the same time able to listen to others while analyzing what they are saying. To encourage each learner to have the ability to critically evaluate and engage in current affairs while being able to link it to the past
What does our subject involve?
Senior History consists of learning from 1450, the age of the empires in Grade 10 right up to the early 1800s in the world, therefore realizing what shaped our civilization.
In Grade 11, what went on in the world from the 1800s to the early 1900s and then finally Grade 12 sees our learners looking at the world in the later 1900’s up until our current problems and situations. Therefore when a History learner leaves Grade 12, they are aware of the world around them, what shaped them and where they are going. They are able to link current trends into their knowledge framework and thus become well rounded and well-adjusted individuals.
In each Grade we also try to take learners on outings to see History in practice, at the Slave Lodge, Holocaust Museum and Robben Island.
It is really and truly a subject that every learner should take.
Head: Mrs Z. Gina, send mail
Xhosa belongs to the Nguni group of languages which includes Zulu, Swazi and Ndebele. It is the main African language spoken in the Eastern and Western Cape, but it is also spoken and understood in other parts of the country.
We feel that it is very important for the learners to choose isiXhosa as a subject, including those who plan to attend a university as many universities, such as Stellenbosch, have made it compulsory for under-graduates to learn isiXhosa (even those who plan be doctors one day).
Our mission is to teach the pupils to speak, write, present and enjoy the language.
In the FET phase pupils can choose between Afrikaans First Additional or IsiXhosa First Additional language.
What Does The Language Involve?

  • The study of speech sounds
  • Study of the patterns of speech sounds in a language
  • The study of the internal structure of words
  • To study about how words are combined to form sentences
  • To study about the meaning of words

Information Technology (IT)
Head: Mr J.Musiyiwa
Information Technology sets out to create advanced computer users by equipping learners with an advanced theoretical understanding of computers and technology as well as a practical application which will enable the creation of new software and interfaces for existing computers.
What IT is all about:
In much simpler language IT is not about how to “use” a computer but focuses on how to achieve more with technology by creating new software. Learners should already have a good understanding of computers and how to use everyday applications like Windows, Word and Excel before considering taking IT.
IT will teach learners how to program new software such as basic calculators and converters, physics simulations, basic animations, inventory software, web-pages and even games!!
Learners will also be taught about the latest hardware and software developments including devices such as i-Pods and mobile phones. There will also be a large focus on the emergence of internet technologies and their social impacts. Topics such as Facebook, Wikipedia, gumtree and mobile phones are dealt with in depth.
Problem-solving and Lateral thinking:
Although IT is an engaging, interesting, fun and cutting edge subject it does revolve largely around problem-solving and lateral thinking skills.
Students who are generally good with problem-solving subjects such as maths and science excel in IT, although there are frequent exceptions to this rule. Learners will need to work consistently and diligently if they are to succeed in programming.
A keen interest in computers only goes part of the way to making a good IT professional with hard work and perseverance being the balance to the formula.
Learners wishing to apply to do IT must complete an aptitude test to be written during the 3rd term.
IT opens up the following career options:  Software Developer, Games Programmer, Hardware/ Software Technician, Network Administrator, Database Analyst, Systems Analyst, Business Analyst, Web Designers/Programmers, Graphic Designers and Flash Specialists, any science or business subjects on a tertiary level or applying to study Computer Science and Information Systems.
Mark allocations:
The theory component of the subject makes up 40% of the marks whereas the practical component makes up 60% of the mark.
Exactly half of all assessments for this subject are of a practical nature and take place consistently throughout the year.
Life Orientation
Head: Mrs Lewis, send mail
What is Life Orientation?

  • always relevant
  • individual and it is social
  • hypothetical and it is fact-based
  • exploratory and instructive

The Central Ambition:
Its central ambition is to empower the youth with a sense of history, self-knowledge, wisdom, morality and tolerance.
What Life Orientation Strives for:
Life Orientation strives to assist all young South Africans in their paths towards finding themselves, while understanding their own positions in society, relevant to those of their brothers and sisters of Africa, and of the world. Life Orientation offers a place for questions to be asked – the kinds of questions that would not be raised in the Science, Mathematics or Language class. Learners are guided toward achieving their own understandings of the world in all its diversity.
Life Orientation allows students to be wise and knowledgeable in a broad array of relevant fields, while being empowered by a heart of genuine care, and an ambition to be all that they can be, while simultaneously striving towards a country and a world that is similarly whole and healed.
Life Sciences
Head: Miss Roos, send email
Our mission:
Be the most organized and exciting subject in the school!
We believe that we offer top quality teaching and learning and develop general knowledge of our students to high levels.
Life Science is a challenging yet exciting field of study that leads to discovery of information about yourself and the world around you.
The curriculum covers a variety of topics that are laid down by the Education Department.
The strands (sections) that are covered are:

  • Life processes in plants and animals – which deals with the structure and functioning of various systems.
  • Environmental Studies – deals with issues such as pollution etc
  • Life at the molecular, cellular and tissue level – looking at the smallest living components.
  • Diversity, change and continuity – looks at the development of various life forms including evolution.
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The Life Sciences Department recommends this subject to any student who has an interest in studying further in the Health Sciences or Environmental Sciences fields or has an interest is the environment and general structure and functioning of the human body.
The ability to question and discover information by extra reading and research is an asset as this subject requires project work that is often research-based & experimental in approach.
We encourage independent work with very little or no group work for School Based Assessment tasks and assignments in FET. Even though the Education Department has limited requirements for School Based Assessment tasks, we expect far more and most of this work is done and completed in class in a portfolio book.
Exams are usually 150 marks in 2½ hours and require rigorous preparation beforehand, so the ability to develop a study technique for fairly large amounts of content is recommended.
Past papers are available on the schools’ network for preparation and many class tests are written to help students grasp basic concepts and content.
Students must supply their own:

  • 96 page portfolio book
  • A4 plastic envelop for SBA work
  • 288 page A4 hardcover book for notes

Head: Mrs M. Mann, send mail
As a Dinaledi Maths/Science focus school, Edgemead High School does not offer Mathematical Literacy at grade 10 level.
Mission statement:

  • to encourage more learners to continue with Mathematics in FET phase
  • to ensure more learners matriculate with Mathematics as a subject
  • to develop each learner to their full potential in Mathematics

The Mathematics advantage:

  • more post matric career options
  • a sense of personal achievement when passing matric Mathematics
  • discipline in work ethos and logical thought processes

In order to achieve, Mathematics learners need determination and motivation
Learners must be prepared to spend many hours practicing in order to get to grips with the concepts
What is offered for the above-average Mathematics learners:

  • Advanced Mathematics is  offered to Matric level. The senior teachers are involved with teaching this after-hours. It has tremendous advantages for those learners taking Mathematics in the first year of University. The co-ordinator of these courses is Mr Brits

If not Maths, then what? – see Mathematical Literacy
Mathematical Literacy
Head: Mrs M. Mann, send mail
Maths Lit, as the subject is popularly called, has improved its standard.
Common misconceptions:
This is not a subject for Maths “drop-outs”!! Many learners think that a subject change from Maths to Maths Lit will ensure an easy ‘A’ and to their chagrin found that this is not true
Many people believe University is closed to Maths Lit matriculants. Again, this is not true however there are courses which require Maths and so a Maths Lit matric will close these career doors. Learners who opt to take Maths Lit in grades 11 and 12 must be aware that although universities have this subject as a requirement, often it is not accepted due to the numbers at university.
Mission statement:

  • to maintain EHS’ high standard in Maths Lit
  • to develop a sense of the usefulness of the subject
  • to develop basic Numeracy skills needed in life

The Maths Lit course:
In the FET phase, this subject covers a wide range of areas from costings, profit, VAT, interest rates and annuities/loans to scale and basic map work to budgets and personal tax as well as statistics and probability
It is strongly linked to other subjects like Geography, Consumer Studies, Business Studies
Maths Lit covers budgets, basic costing, calculations using involved formulae, interest on investments and loans, buying a home, statistics and graphing amongst other things, The course deals with real-life situations.
Head: Mrs Bekker, send mail
The Music Department is one of the busiest departments in the school, comprising full and part-time music staff offering expertise in a particular field, and offering several music ensembles and concert opportunities throughout the year.
A wide range of opportunities in Music is offered for students at Edgemead High School. Students may opt to study music formally, as a hobby/pastime, or simply get involved in any number of music productions and ensembles.

  1. Music as a Subject (8-12)
  2. Extra-Curricular Music Study
  3. Ensemble Music
  4. Seasonal Music Productions

Music as a Subject:

  • Music can be taken as a subject in grades 8 -12
  • A large variety of instrumental tuition is available.
  • An audition needs to be done for FET Subject Music, in order to ensure that the learner is on a sufficient level practically in order to meet the necessary requirements for Grade 12.
  • In grades 8 & 9 (two year course) students may choose between Drama, Visual Art & Music.
  • Students undertaking Music as a subject must have an instrumental/vocal study.
  • In grade 8, preference is given to students who play or wish to start learning an orchestral instrument. This is in preference to piano and/or guitar students.
  • Students wishing to take music as a subject in grade 8 must complete a short aptitude test for theory and instrumental suitability.
  • In grade 8 & 9 there is a levy for Music as a Subject if you choose to hire an instrument. The levy is used to cover the cost of servicing school instruments.

The subject material of music has broadened widely and includes the following:

  • Music Performance
  • Composing
  • Arranging (using Music Notation Computer Software)
  • Improvisation
  • Theory/Harmony
  • Research/Analysis
  • The Music Industry
  • Music Technology
  • Popular Music
  • Ensemble Music
  • Planning a Concert/Event
  • Music is a more informal environment, with small classes and much interaction throughout the lessons.
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Extra-Curricular Music Study (ECMS):

  • Students may apply to study any instrument taught at Edgemead High School: Flute, Clarinet, Saxophone, Trumpet, Trombone, Violin, Cello, Guitar, Electric Bass, Drum Kit, Voice, Piano.
  • Lessons will be held during school hours, on a cyclic timetable, which runs concurrently with the school timetable.
  • Subject Music students are given first priority for places on the timetable, and remaining places are allocated to ECMS students.
  • There are costs involved in ECMS.

Ensemble Music:

  • Students must understand that involvement in any ensemble is a commitment to rehearsals and performances throughout the whole year.
  • The Concert Choir: Open to the whole school and selected through audition, rehearsals are once per week before school, performances: around 2-3 each term. A Music Camp is held once a year.
  • Orchestra: Open to the whole school and selected through audition, rehearsals: 1 time per week, performances: around 2 each term. Music Camp held once a year.
  • Marimba Ensemble (Junior and Senior): Open to the whole school and selected through audition, rehearsals: 1 time per week, performances: around 2 each term. Costs R500 per term.
  • Glee Club: Open to grades 10-12 and selected through audition, rehearsals: 1 time per week, performances: around 2 each term.
  • Grade 8 Choir: For grade 8 students.  Rehearsals once a week before school.  Once standard is acceptable performances will take place at music evenings and assemblies.

Seasonal Music Productions

  • Students may also select to get involved in a number of activities throughout the year which run for a term or short season.
  • Depending on the production they are open to the whole school and may require an audition for selection.
  • Activities could include Music Concerts, School Musical, High School Jam.

As music teachers we strive to develop the learners holistically, in both technique and performance, and to equip them with the necessary skills needed for both the Music Industry, as well as life beyond school.
All music students are expected to participate in an ensemble and/or the school orchestra as part of their commitment to music at the school.
Music is also offered as an extra-mural subject after school hours and all our instruments are available including Classical Guitar.
Mr R Williams, our classical guitar teacher, has a web site offering Original Compositions for:  Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced & Popular Arrangement.
Mr Williams also offers “Learn To Play The Classical Guitar”. To find out more, head over to Mr Williams’ Classical Guitar Practice site.
Physical Sciences
Head:  Mr Solomons; send mail
Physics deals with the study of matter, energy and their interactions in nature by providing a mathematical explanation for these observations – It plays a key role in the future progress of mankind.
Chemistry places its major focus on the structure and properties of substances- particular kinds of matter – and especially on the changes that they undergo.
At school level it is taught to enable the learners to show an interest in, make sense of and make predictions about the physical and chemical phenomena that are observed around them in nature.
Learners wishing to take Physical Sciences as a subject up to Matric should have:

  • An interest in their surroundings
  • An interest in Physical Sciences learnt up till now
  • A very good work ethic
  • An organised mind
  • A good understanding of mathematics /mathematical skills. [It is essential that the learner has maintained an average of at least 50% throughout Grade 9 in both Natural Sciences and Mathematics]

The subject requires that the learner participates actively in every lesson. The content may be more taxing but is not insurmountable. Success in the subject requires more understanding and less rote learning.
A good pass in Physical Sciences will allow learners to follow a career in many fields such as; agriculture, medicine, physiotherapy, radiography, pharmacy, engineering, applied science and scientific research.
The core content for Grade 10, 11 and 12 are:

  • Mechanics
  • Waves, Sound and Light
  • Electricity and Magnetism
  • Matter and Materials
  • Chemical Change
  • Chemical Systems

Physics and Chemistry provides insight into how our world operates. The facilities at Edgemead High allow investigations to be carried out practically and worked out theoretically for those who find these aspects appealing.
Visual Arts
Head:  Mrs Thorsen send email
What is Visual Arts?
Visual Arts involves the hand, the eye, the intellect and the imagination.
The subject Visual Arts is about self-expression and offers learners a way to engage meaningfully with their world. It provides opportunities to stimulate and develop learners’ intellect, engaging their creative imagination through visual and tactile experiences and the innovative use of materials in realising their ideas.
The subject consists of a practical as well as a theory component:

  • Practical:  Learners have the opportunity to conceptualise and create two-dimensional and three-dimensional artworks. Throughout the course learners will be introduced to practical disciplines ranging from drawing and painting to sculpture techniques using a variety of media. In Grade 12 learners are encouraged to choose one practical discipline for specialisation, with the aim of producing a body of work for an exhibition at the end of the year.

Visual Culture Studies:
For the theory aspect of the subject the focus is on the study of visual culture of the past and present.  Visual Arts is presented as a continuous chronological course over the three years.
The main themes for Grade 10 are Pre-Literate Cultures, Ancient Civilisations, The Classical World, Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque. In Grade 11 the focus is on the birth of Modernism in the late Nineteenth Century, the art produced during Twentieth Century and the development of New Media and Conceptual Art. All the topics for Grade 12 relate to the work of South African artists ranging from the late Twentieth Century to artists currently producing new work.
Who should choose Visual Arts?
Visual Arts is a subject that will enrich any learner and encourage lateral thinking. Taking Visual Arts will be advantageous for a learner who wishes to apply for further studies in any creative field, including Architecture, Animation, Fashion or Jewellery Design, Fine Arts, Graphic Design, Photography and Web Design.
Business Studies
Head:  Mrs Lamour email
The purpose of Business Studies
Business Studies will ensure that learners:

  • acquire and apply essential knowledge, skills and principles to productively and profitably conduct business in changing business environments
  • create business opportunities, creatively solve problems and take risks, respecting the rights of others and environmental sustainability
  • apply basic leadership and management skills and principles while working with others to accomplish business goals
  • are motivated, self-directed, reflective lifelong learners who responsibly manage themselves and their activities while working towards business goals
  • are committed to developing themselves and others through business opportunities and ventures
  • are able to secure formal employment, and are in a position to pursue sustainable entrepreneurial and self-employment career paths