False bay college online courses

False bay college online courses


Who is the target audience?

  • Students who are unable to attend classes on a regular basis
  • Students who feel they are able to work independently

What can I study?

  • Business Management: The first two subjects that will be on offer are Entrepreneurship and Business Management at N4 level as well as Management Communication at N4 level.
    • Two more subjects will be added in the next semester.
    • Exams are written twice a year at the end of a semester
    • Students must complete 4 subjects to finish each block (i.e. N4)
    • N5 and N6 subjects will be rolled out in 2015.
    • Students must pass a total of 12 subjects and complete 18 months of in-service training to be awarded the National Diploma in Business Management.
    • Entry requirement is Gr12
  • Engineering Studies: The first two subjects that will be on offer are Maths at N1 level and Engineering Science at N1 level
    • Two more subjects will be added in the next trimester.
    • Exams are written three times a year at the end of a trimester.
    • Students must complete 4 subjects to finish each block (i.e. N1)
    • N2 and N3 subjects will be rolled out in 2015.
    • Students must pass a total of 12 subjects to be awarded an N3 certificate.
    • Students must pass a total of 8 subjects to be awarded an N2 certificate.

Entry Requirements:

  • A minimum of a Grade 11 certificate with a 50% pass mark in Maths for entry into N1.
  • A minimum of a N2 certificate for entry into an apprenticeship.

How will the curriculum be delivered?

  • Study material and assignments will be sent to you by courier.
  • Business Management N4 students will have an orientation session and 3 face to face support sessions during a semester.
  • Engineering N1 students will have an orientation session and 2 face to face support sessions during a trimester.
  • You will need to have access to the internet and a computer to access the Learning Management System and be computer literate.
  • Support will be provided by the call centre, from your lecturer via questions posted and the face to face contact.
  • A semester or trimester mark will be generated from tests and assignments and an exam written at the end of the semester or trimester.
  • Exams are set nationally by the Department of Higher Education and Training.
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The fee per subject is:

  • R1300
  • R1300
  • R800
  • R800

Where do I get an Application form?

  • Application forms are available from the False Bay College website.
  • Download the form and complete.
  • Attach all the required documents (read the form carefully to see what is needed).

Send your completed application form and certified copies of the relevant documents in a sealed envelope to
Marian Theron at:
Private Bag X25
Hand delivery to:
Marian Theron
False Bay College
Central Office c/o
Main and Atlantic Roads
For more information contact:
Marian Theron
(021) 701 1153
083 272 0512