Mangosuthu University of Technology Civil Engineering

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Mangosuthu University of Technology Civil Engineering

National Diploma: Engineering: Civil

Department of Civil Engineering and Surveying

Head of Department                          Mr vd Westhuizen
Telephone                                          (0)31 907 7223 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting
Department Secretary                    Ms Nomkhosi Ngcobo
Secretary – Telephone                   (0)31 907 7232
Secretary – Email                  
Mangosuthu University of Technology Civil Engineering, The department of Civil Engineering and Surveying aims to provide superior quality, technologically advanced programmes that meet the needs of our local, regional and national industries. We will produce competent, professional and sought after graduates in the field of civil engineering and surveying that are an asset to this country and MUT alike.
The purpose of The National Diploma: Engineering: Civil is to prepare our students to become civil engineering technicians, who will satisfy the criteria for registration as a professional technician by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA), for advanced study in civil engineering and/or to be employed by function as a competent member of an engineering team. This course qualifies our students for employment with contractors, consultants, government departments and municipalities where he/she could form part of a team, which is usually headed up by a professional engineer or technologist.
Our graduates will be involved in the design and construction of civil engineering structures such as roads, railways, harbours, airports, buildings and dams.
Senior Certificate or equivalent with a pass in the following subjects:

  • English – Level 3
  • Mathematics – Level 3
  • Physical Science – Level 3  

However, students who accumulate a larger tally of points on the above subjects will be given preference depending on the availability of places.
Students would normally be required to complete the Pre-Tech course successfully before being admitted to the first year. This is a semester-based course.
Mangosuthu University of Technology Civil Engineering, Four semesters of attendance at the University along with two semesters of appropriate Work Integrated Learning.
Civil Engineering Subjects included in the curriculum are:

  • Applied Mechanics
  • Civil Engineering Practice
  • Communication Skills
  • Computer Skills
  • Construction Materials
  • Construction Methods
  • Documentation
  • Drawing
  • Geotechnical Engineering
  • Management Civil
  • Mathematics
  • Physics
  • Reinforced Concrete & Masonry Design
  • Structural Analysis
  • Structural Steel & Timber Design
  • Surveying
  • Theory of Structures
  • Transportation Engineering
  • Water Engineering
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A candidate passes a subject if a final mark of at least 50% is obtained. The final mark consists of 40% of the year mark and 60% of the examination mark for examination subjects.
A candidate must obtain a sub-minimum of 40% in the examination to pass a course. Where the examination in a course consists of two or more papers, a sub-minimum of 40% must be obtained in each paper.
The student’s performance in certain subjects is assessed by Continuous Evaluation, and no examinations are written. Details of this assessment method are included in the relevant subject Study Guides.
Practical work is done in the following subjects and forms part of the assessment:

  • Surveying I & Surveying (Civil) II.

Details of practical assessments are given in the relevant Study Guides.
Laboratory work is done in the following subjects:

Applied Mechanics I Geotechnical Engineering III
Construction Materials I Structural Analysis III
Drawing II Water Engineering III
Theory of Structures II Reinforced Concrete and Masonry Design III
Structural Analysis II Structural Steel and Timber Design III
Water Engineering II
Geotechnical Engineering II

Surveying Subjects included in the curriculum are:

  • Adjustment of Errors
  • Cadastral Surveying
  • Communication Skills
  • Computer Skills
  • Control Surveying
  • Drawing
  • Geographic Information Systems
  • Geography
  • Intro to Geomatics
  • Legal Principles
  • Management Surveying
  • Mathematics
  • Photogrammetry
  • Physics
  • Statistics
  • Survey Drawing
  • Survey Practice
  • Surveying

This course qualifies our students for employment with contractors, consultants, government departments and municipalities where he/she could form part of a team, which is usually headed up by a professional engineer or technologist.
Upon graduation, students will be able to set out structures such as roads, bridges, railways, power lines, pipelines, contour surveys, harbours, airports, buildings, dams as well as monitoring of such structures. As Survey Technicians, our graduates are also eligible to carry out cadastral surveys (land demarcation) under the supervision of a Professional Land Surveyor.
The National Diploma: Surveying qualifies our students for employment with contractors, consultants, government departments and municipalities where he/she could form part of a team, which is usually headed up by a professional engineer or professional surveyor. He/she would be involved in measurement for the production of maps, the setting out and monitoring of civil engineering structures as well as the relocation of property boundaries.
Our graduating students will be able to:

  • Identify, analyse and produce solutions to civil engineering/surveying problems as presented in the clasroom, laboratory examples and practicals as well as problems encountered in a work context as part of experiential learning.
  • Apply analytical and practical techniques as well as knowledge related to the specific disciplines of civil engineering/surveying.
  • Conduct civil engineering/surveying operations in a real-life working environment and apply their practical skills learnt from laboratory practicals as well as training and projects undertaken during experiental training.
  • Communicate in a professional manner using the correct language, concepts, models, techniques and equipment encountered in the engineering/surveying working environment.
  • Apply the necessary mathematical techniques and interpet the results of mathematical calculations in order to assist in solving engineering/surveying problems.
  • Use basic scientific and technological principles in the engineering/surveying applied context.
  • Analyse the overall functioning and purpose of a particular organisation.
  • Organise and give directions to the workflow of themselves and others.
  • Work competently and professionally as part of a team or independently as required by the work environment.
  • Work ethically, safely and responsibly with due consideration given to the environment and their fellow human beings.
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Minimum Admission Requirements
i)    National Senior Certificate with rating codes:
English Home Language                    (4)
English First Additional Language       (4)
Mathematics                                       (4)
Physical Science                                (4)
ii)    A minimum of 130 total credits; with a maximum of 60 credits with “Partial Achievement”, at NQF Level 4
iii)    Pass all Pre-Tech subjects with a minimum of 50%
iv)    National Senior Certificate/Standard 10/Matric Certificate with a minimum requirement of:
Maths                                                  D (HG)
Physical Science                                D (HG)
English                                                E (SG)
v)    An appropriate N4 Certificate with minimum 50% passes in all subjects and a minimum of 50% for Maths at the N3 level and an E (SG) symbol for English
vi)    An appropriate GCE, GCSE, IGCSE or Cambridge School Certificate with at least five subjects (including Mathematics, Science and English) passed at the same examination sitting.
Four semesters of attendance at the University together with two semesters of the appropriate Work Integrated Learning.
(0)31 907 7232