Short Courses, Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences

Short Courses, Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences

Short Courses

Name of Programme
No. of credits
Duration of Programme
Programme in Commercial Accounting ( Programme in Commercial Accounting ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences February to November
Advanced Competition Economics (Competition Economics ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 1 week in one semester per year
Advanced Property Financial Concepts (Advanced Property Financial Concepts ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 3 Days
Analysing Industrial Clustering for Economic Development (Analysing Industrial Clustering for Economic Development) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 12 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Applied Econometric Analysis and Forecasting (Applied Econometric Analysis and Forecasting ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 8 1 Week
Applied Private-Public Partnerships for Local Economic Development (LED) (Applied Private-Public Partnerships for Local Economic Development (LED) ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Applied Project Management for Local Economic Development (LED (Applied Project Management for Local Economic Development (LED) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Applied Strategic Planning for Local Economic Development (LED (Applied Strategic Planning for Local Economic Development (LED) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Applied Trade and Industrial Policy (Applied Trade and Industrial Policy ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Basic Property Financial Concepts (Basic Property Financial Concepts) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 3 Days
Bridging Program in Economics (Bridging Program in Economics ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 12 Months
Bridging Programme in Accountancy (Bridging Programme in Accountancy ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences February to November
Bridging Programme in Finance (Bridging Programme in Finance ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences February to November
Business Retention and Expansion for Local Economic Development (LED) (Business Retention and Expansion for Local Economic Development (LED) ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Cash and Liquidity in Treasury Management (Cash and Liquidity in Treasury Management) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 4 Weeks
Core Principles in Economic Regulation and Competition Economics (Regulatory Economics ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 1 Week in one semester per year
Enabling Mechanisms for Local Economic Development (LED) (Enabling Mechanisms for Local Economic Development (LED) ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Enterprise Management (Enterprise Management ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 14 Weeks
Enterprise Operations (Enterprise Operations ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 14 Weeks
Essential Commercial Property (Essential Commercial Property) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 4 Days
Establishing Cluster Initiatives (Establishing Cluster Initiatives) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Financial Analysis for Economic Regulation (Financial Analysis for Economic Regulation ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 1 week in one semester per year
Financial Management (Financial Management ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 14 Weeks
Financial Markets in Treasury Management (Financial Markets in Treasury Management ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 4 Weeks
Financial Operations (Financial Operations ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 14 Weeks
Financial Treasury Management (Financial Treasury Management ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 4 Weeks
Fundamentals of Treasury Practice (Fundamentals of Treasury Practice ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences February to November
Funding in Treasury Management (Funding in Treasury Management ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 4 Weeks
Industrial Policy (Industrial Policy) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 2 Weeks
Intermediate Property Financial Concepts (Intermediate Property Financial Concepts ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 3 days
Introduction to Commercial Property (Introduction to Commercial Property ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 3 days
Introduction to Financial Markets Operations (Introduction to Financial Markets Operations ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 100 10 Months
Introduction to Industrial Clustering (Introduction to Industrial Clustering) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 5 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Introduction to Local Economic Development (LED) (Introduction to Local Economic Development (LED)) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Introduction to Treasury Management (Introduction to Treasury Management ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 4 Weeks
Investment Management (Investment Management ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 1 Year
Leadership in Sustainable Local Economic Development (Leadership in Sustainable Local Economic Development ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
LED: Mentorship (LED: Mentorship) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
LED: Workforce Development (LED: Workforce Development ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 6 Months
Managing a Local Economic Development Unit in South Africa (Managing a Local Economic Development Unit in South Africa) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Performance Management (Performance Management ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 14 Weeks
Performance Operations (Performance Operations ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 14 Weeks
Processes in Treasury Management (Processes in Treasury Management) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 4 Weeks
Property Management (Property Management ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 100 10 Months
Quantitative Analysis: Compiling a Local Development Profile (Quantitative Analysis: Compiling a Local Development Profile ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Quantitative Finance (Quantitative Finance ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences February to November
Regulatory Law for Economic Regulators (Regulatory Law for Economic Regulators) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 40 8 hours x 5 days x 1 week
Research for Local Economic Development (LED) Practitioners (Research for Local Economic Development (LED) Practitioners) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 16 3 – 5 days contact / 6 months
Short Learning Programme in Corporate Governance (Short Learning Programme in Corporate Governance ) Faculty of Economic and Financial Sciences 24 3 Months
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