What is the main cause of asthma?

The exact cause of asthma is not fully understood, and it is likely to be multifactorial, involving a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Different people may develop asthma due to different triggers and risk factors. Some of the main contributing factors to the development of asthma include: 1. Genetic factors: Asthma tends to run … Read more

Which tablet is good for asthma?

The type and severity of asthma, the frequency and severity of symptoms, age, other medical conditions, and individual response to medications all influence medication selection. Treatment for asthma typically involves the use of inhalers, as they deliver the medication directly to the airways, leading to faster and more effective results. However, in some cases, oral medications in tablet form may be prescribed as part of the asthma management plan. Common types of medications used for asthma management include: The … Read more