Tlokweng college of education courses

Tlokweng college of education courses

Three year Diploma in Primary Education (Serowe and Tlokweng Colleges of Education)
– At both colleges: English, Guidance & Counselling, Library Studies, Mathematics, Moral Education, Religious Education, Setswana and Science.
– At Molepolole College of Education only: Art, Design & Technology, Music, Computer Education.
– at Tonota College of Education only: Agriculture, Home Economics, Business Studies, Physical education, Social Studies
Trainees for this course are required to take ALL subject in the Primary School Curriculum and in addition, select an area of specialization from any of the following combinations;
– Mathematics and Science
– English and Setswana
– Social Studies and Religious Education
– Practical Subjects: any two from the following; Art, Craft and Design, Home Economics, Music, Physical Education.
Category 1- Candidates with a minimum of BGCSE or its equivalent with credits in at least three subjects, one of which should be English.
Category 2- Candidates who shall be between 25 and 35 years of age on the day of registration at College may be selected on the basis of relevant work experience since they left school and must have credits in at least two subjects and at least a pass in English Language at BGCSE or its equivalent.

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