What is the main cause of angioedema?

Angioedema can have various causes, and the main cause depends on the specific type of angioedema. Here are some of the primary causes associated with different types of angioedema:

  1. Allergic angioedema: This type of angioedema is triggered by an allergic reaction to specific allergens. Common triggers include certain foods (e.g., peanuts, tree nuts, shellfish), medications (e.g., antibiotics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), insect stings, or latex.
  2. Non-allergic angioedema: Non-allergic angioedema can have different causes, including:a. Medications: Certain medications can cause angioedema as a side effect. Examples include angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors used for hypertension, such as lisinopril or enalapril.b. Hereditary angioedema (HAE): HAE is a rare genetic disorder caused by a deficiency or dysfunction of a protein called C1 esterase inhibitor. HAE is not related to allergies and can be inherited from one generation to another.c. Acquired angioedema: This type of angioedema is a rare condition that can occur due to various underlying medical conditions, such as autoimmune disorders, lymphoproliferative disorders, or certain types of cancers.d. Idiopathic angioedema: In some cases, the cause of angioedema may remain unknown despite thorough evaluation. This is referred to as idiopathic angioedema.

It is important to identify the underlying cause of angioedema to determine the appropriate treatment and management strategies. If you experience angioedema or have recurrent episodes, it is recommended to consult with a healthcare professional, such as an allergist or immunologist, who can conduct a comprehensive evaluation and provide personalized care based on your specific situation.

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