BChD Dentistry UP

BChD Dentistry UP

Bachelor of Dentistry (BChD) The School of Dentistry at the University of Pretoria enjoys wide national and international recognition for the quality of its training, research, patient care and its involvement in community-based projects. Since 1950, the School of Dentistry (formerly the Faculty of Dentistry) has been producing graduates who make a decisive contribution to the practice of dentistry, health management, statutory councils and academic training, nationally and internationally. The school is a leader in the field of implantology and the reconstructive surgery of facial deformities. Active research is conducted in the field of education and training, and problem-based tuition is provided. Research is also conducted in the field of dental materials, mouth guards, cancer of the mouth and forensic dentistry, as well as dental management sciences. The typical work day of a dentist is spent diagnosing and treating diseases of the mouth and teeth. This includes the removal or repair of carious teeth, the replacement of absent teeth by means of crown and bridge therapy, and the treatment of diseases of the gums. The dentist is also responsible for surgical intervention in the mouth, the alignment of irregular teeth, alleviation of pain, root canal treatment of teeth, and the planning of dental treatment in cooperation with the patient

BChD Dentistry UP

Description of the study programme In order to keep pace with the modern requirements of tertiary education, the School follows a curriculum that is problem-based, student-orientated and directed at the community, with vertical and horizontal integration of subjects. The first two years of BChD(Dentistry) and MBChB (Medicine) are the same except for one module in the second semester of the second year. However, as early as the second semester of the second year, students get first-hand exposure to clinical dentistry. An important result of this adaptation is that the programme has a duration of five years and that dentists are, therefore, made available to practice and to the community earlier than in the past.
Selection is based on academic merit, the National Benchmark Test (NBT) and the Valueadded Questionnaire. [5 years] Dentist, academic 5 (60–69%) for English 5 (60–69%) 5 (60–69%) – No mimimum achievement level is required 30
Admission In addition to meeting the minimum subject and all other requirements that are shown in this brochure, candidates in Grade 12 must apply for preliminary admission to the Faculty on the basis of their final Grade 11 results. The final Grade 11 average and results of the placement test are considered for provisional admission. To retain selection, the candidate’s APS at the end of Grade 12 should not fall more than three points in comparison to what it was in Grade 11.

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BChD Dentistry UP

Career opportunities
The University of Pretoria, with its proud record of providing a high standard of training for dentists and specialists, produces graduates who render outstanding professional services to the community. There are employment opportunities for dentists in private practice, in the South African National Defence Force, and elsewhere in public hospitals and clinics, health care organisations and academic institutions.

BChD Dentistry UP

Physical address:

Oral and Dental Hospital
C/o Voortrekker and Dr Savage Roads

Postal address:

Oral and Dental Hospital
School of Dentistry
Private bag X20


Prof A J Ligthelm
Tel: +27 12 319 2225
Fax: +27 12 326 2508
Email: at.ligthelm@up.ac.za