BComHons Business Management

BComHons Business Management

Admission Requirements

  Relevant BCom degree with Accounting, Economics, Statistics and Business Management on first year level and at least 60% for Strategic Management on 3rd year level.

The Department can only admit 30 students to the honours programme per year, and as a result, current University of Pretoria students who comply with the entry requirements will get preference to fill the first 20 openings based on their OBS 320 mark. The remaining 10 places will be filled by the 10 candidates who scored the highest marks in the entrance examination. The entrance examination will be written by applicants from other universities as well as current University of Pretoria students that were not successful in the first round of selection and who would like a second opportunity to be considered for selection.

BComHons Business Management

1. Registration for a second field of study With reference to General Regulation G.6, a student who has already completed a bachelor of honours degree at this or another university, may, with the permission of the Dean, register for another degree, subject to the regulations applicable to the field of study in question and to any other stipulations the Dean may prescribe on the condition that there shall be no overlap in the course content of the first degree and the second degree. Such a concession may be withdrawn by the Dean/Deans if the student does not perform satisfactorily.
2. Acknowledgement of modules
2.1. Subject to the stipulations of G.22.1, G.23.2 and the Joint Statute, a Dean may acknowledge modules passed at another tertiary institution or at this University in a department other than that in which the honours study is undertaken for the honours degree – provided that at least half of the required modules for the degree in question are attended and passed at this university.
2.2. If there is overlap in the course content of the degree for which the student wishes to enrol or is enrolled and a degree already conferred, the Dean may not acknowledge any modules that form part of the degree already conferred.

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BComHons Business Management

Additional Requirements

The Department can only admit 30 students to the honours programme per year, and as a result, current University of Pretoria students who comply with the entry requirements will get preference to fill the first 20 openings based on their OBS 320 mark. The remaining 10 places will be filled by the 10 candidates who scored the highest marks in the entrance examination. The entrance examination will be written by applicants from other universities as well as current University of Pretoria students that were not successful in the first round of selection and who would like a second opportunity to be considered for selection.

  1. Registration for a second field of study

With reference to General Regulation G.6, a student who has already completed a bachelor of honours degree at this or another university, may, with the permission of the Dean, register for another degree, subject to the regulations applicable to the field of study in question and to any other stipulations the Dean may prescribe on the condition that there shall be no overlap in the course content of the first degree and the second degree. Such a concession may be withdrawn by the Dean/Deans if the student does not perform satisfactorily.

  1. Acknowledgement of modules
  1. Subject to the stipulations of G.22.1, G.23.2 and the Joint Statute, a Dean may acknowledge modules passed at another tertiary institution or at this University in a department other than that in which the honours study is undertaken for the honours degree – provided that at least half of the required modules for the degree in question are attended and passed at this university.
  2. If there is overlap in the course content of the degree for which the student wishes to enrol or is enrolled and a degree already conferred, the Dean may not acknowledge any modules that form part of the degree already conferred.
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BComHons Business Management

Faculty Enquiries
Economic and Management Sciences  Ignatius Dire  +27 (0)12 420 5278 ignatious.dire@up.ac.za
Alta Erasmus +27 (0) 12 420 3062 alta.erasmus@up.ac.za