BConSci Food Retail Management UP

BConSci Food Retail Management UP

Retail Management is a  process of promoting greater sales and customer satisfaction by gaining a better understanding of the consumers of goods and services produced by a company. BConSci Food Retail Management UP

Admission Requirements

  • The following persons will be considered for admission: a candidate who is in possession of a certificate that is deemed by the University to be equivalent to the required Grade 12 certificate with university endorsement; a candidate who is a graduate from another tertiary institution or has been granted the status of a graduate of such an institution; and a candidate who is a graduate of another faculty at the University of Pretoria.
  • Life Orientation is excluded in the calculation of the Admission Point Score (APS).
  • Grade 11 results are used for the provisional admission of prospective students. Final admission is based on the Grade 12 results.
Minimum requirements for
Achievement level
Afrikaans or English Mathematics APS
5 3 C C 4 3 D D 28

BConSci Food Retail Management UP

Natural and Agricultural Sciences Undergraduate: Liana Sturgeon +27 (0)12 420 2473 liana.sturgeon@up.ac.za
Postgraduate: Cathy Barnard +27 (0)12 420 4127  cathy.barnard@up.ac.za
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