Bachelor of Audiology

Bachelor of Audiology

Audiology is a new health care profession concerned with the scientific study and practice with both normal and disordered hearing. It is closely related to the fields of Speech-Language Pathology, medicine, Special Education, Psychology, and Hearing Aid Instrumentation.

Bachelor of Audiology    Undergraduate Courses

Admission Requirements to Bachelor of Communication Pathology (Audiology)
Candidates are eligible to apply for selection to register for the qualification Bachelor of Communication Pathology (Audiology) provided they have
a) a NSC with English and Life Orientation 4 and Mathematics 3 and Life Sciences or Physical Sciences 3
b) APS score of 30 points, excluding Life Orientation.
Curriculum – Bachelor of Communication Pathology (Audiology)
CHS – AUDO 1 Curriculum for the Bachelor of Communication Pathology (Audiology)
The curriculum for the qualification Bachelor of Communication Pathology (Audiology), comprising modules with a total credit point value of 528 credit points as approved by the Senate, shall extend over eight semesters of full-time study. All modules in the curriculum shall be compulsory.
CHS – AUDO2 Progression requirements
To maintain their good standing, and to avoid either warning for slow academic progress or exclusion from the University, students must maintain minimum rates of progression through their qualifications. Minimum rates of acceptable progression for this qualification are set out below

Number Semesters
Min. Progression
“At Risk” threshold
(75% of Maximum)
Normal progression
1 32 56 80
2 64 112 144
3 96 144 192
4 144 192 256
5 176 224 304
6 224 288 384
7 264 304 408
8 352 396 528
9 400 460  
10 448 528  
11 480    
12 528    

CHS -AUDO 3 (b) Progression requirements
No student shall be allowed to proceed to any Level 3 modules who has not passed all Level 2 modules of the Curriculum.
CHS – AUDO 4 Statutory Body Requirement
No student shall be allowed to graduate unless 400 hours of clinical work has been completed

Curriculum for Bachelor of Communication Pathology (Audiology)
Code Name of Module Credits Sem
Level 1
ANAT105 Introduction to Anatomy & Neuroanatomy 16 1
CPSL101 Introduction to Communication Pathology 8 1
CPSL111 Clinical Phonetics 8 1
HPHS111 Basic Human Physiology 16 1
PSYC101 Introduction to Psychology A 16 1
ANAT108 Head and Neck 8 2
CPAU102 Introduction to Audiology and Assessment 8 2
CPAU104 Hearing Sciences 8 2
CPSL112 Speech Sound System Disorders 8 2
CPSL124 Clinical Linguistics 8 2
PSYC102 Introduction to Psychology B 16 2
Choose ONE of the following isiZulu Modules:
ZULN101 Basic isiZulu languages Studies A 16 1
ZULM105 Academic Writing 16 1
ZULN101 (non-Zulu speaking students) ZULM105 (Zulu speaking students)
  Total credits: Level 1 136  
Level 2
CPAU211 Diagnostic Audiology 8 1
CPAU221 Clinical Practice: Initial Audiological Assessment 16 1
CPSL211 Developmental Language Disorders 8 1
PSYC203 Developmental Psychology 8 1
CPAU202 Paediatric Audiological Assessment 8 2
CPAU212 Clinical Practice: Audiological Assessment: Initial & Diagnostic 16 2
CPSL214 Introduction to Severe Developmental Communication Disorders 8 2
HLSC116 Community Studies 16 2
PSYC332 Managing Health Behaviour 8 2
CPSL201 Clinical Practice: Speech Sound System Disorders 24 year
  Total credits: Level 2 120  
Level 3
CPAU301 Rehabilitation Technology 8 1
CPAU311 Aural Rehabilitation: Children 8 1
CPAU321 Clinical Practice: Paediatric & Special Populations 16 1
CPSL301 Clinical Practice: Developmental Language Disorders 24 Year
CPSL321 Augmentative and Alternative Communication & Early Communication Intervention 8 1
HLSC301 Applied Clinical Sciences 8 1
CPAU303 Auditory Processing Disorders 8 2
CPAU313 Sign Language and Deaf Culture 8 2
CPAU342 Auditory Evoked Potentials: Early Responses 8 2
CPAU322 Clinical Practice: Rehabilitation Technology 16 2
CPAU304 Aural Rehabilitation: Adults 8 2
HLSC300 Applied research methods for Health Sciences 8 2
  Total credits: Level 3 128  
Level 4
CPAU403 Clinical Practice: Auditory Evoked Potentials & Vestibular Assessment 24 Year
CPAU402 Clinical Practice: Aural Rehabilitation 24 Year
CPAU431 Clinical Practice: Community Based Rehabilitation 16 Year
CPAU421 Clinical Practice: General and Advanced 24 Year
CPAU441 Auditory Evoked Potentials: Late Responses and Vestibular Assessment 8 1
CPAU401 Industrial Audiology 8 1
CPAU411 Research Practice 16 Year
CPSL403 Service delivery models and professional practice 8 1
CPAU412 Clinical Practice: Industrial Audiology 8 2
CPAU404 Special topics in Audiology 8 2
  Total credits at Level 4
Total credits for the degree
Syllabi – Communication Pathology – Audiology

Introduction to Audiology and Assessment
CPAU102 W2 (59L-0T-12P-0S-3H-4R-0F-0G-2A-13W-8C)
Aim: To provide students with learning opportunities to facilitate an understanding of hearing assessment using basic audiometric procedures with specific emphasis on quantifying and describing hearing loss.
Content: Introduction to Audiology and Audiometry, otological assessment, tuning fork tests, case history interview, pure tone air- and bone conduction audiometry, speech audiometry, immitance audiometry, test battery approach, test administration and equipment usage, analysis and interpretation of results.
Practicals: Department practical to develop testing skill and hospital observations
Assessment: 2 tests; 1 practical test;1 resource file (60%),1 x 2 hr examination, which equals 40% of the final mark. A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: A minimum 75% lecture attendance, with a CAM of ≥ 40%.


Hearing Sciences
CPAU104 W2 (32L-0T-18P-0S-18H-10R-0F-0G-2A-13W-8C)
Corequisite: CPAU102
Aim: To introduce students to the fundamental concepts relating to acoustics and psychoacoustics and to facilitate an understanding of the nature and management of disorders/pathology affecting the auditory system and audiological sequelae.
Content: Nature and measurement of sound, complex waveforms, resonance and filtering, distortion, sound transmission, absorption and reflection. Psychoacoustics, auditory response area, auditory threshold, audiogram, frequency, intensity, sound discrimination, monaural and binaural hearing. Classification of auditory disorders; physiology of the ear and hearing, etiology, pathology, otologic treatment, and management of congenital and acquired disorders affecting the outer, middle and inner ear, and auditory nerve and central auditory pathways; audiological manifestation, tinnitus, introduction to functional hearing loss.
Assessment: 2 tests (2 x 25%), 2 assignments (2 x 25%). The examination comprises of two 1 hour written papers. A subminimum mark of 40% is required for each of paper 1 & paper 2. Each examination paper will contribute 50% toward the exam mark.
DP Requirement: A minimum of 75% lecture attendance and a CAM of ≥40%.


Clin Prac: Behavioural Screening Audiometry
CPAU201 WY (0L-20T-6P-0S-29H-5R-85F-0G-15A-18W-16C)
Corequisite: CPAU213
Aim: The aim of this module is to enable the SLP to screen the hearing of clients who present with SLP problems by means of behavioural screening techniques. This includes all clients that comprise the SLP case load and includes clients across the age spectrum and in various clinical contexts.
Content: Plan, initiate and conduct a needs analysis of clients requiring audiometric screening, plan identification programmes, to execute identification programmes, to manage and monitor the identification programmes. Make appropriate referrals, compile and maintain records.
Assessment: Assessment is via continuous assessment and shall contribute 100% toward the final mark. Assessment will comprise clinical evaluations, reports, a group project and paper cases.
DP Requirement: The student shall be attend of all scheduled contact periods in the module except where a student has been specifically excused from a particular session by the academic coordinator or his/her authorized representative.


Paediatric Audiological Assessment
CPAU202 W2 (59L-0T-9P-0S-5H-5R-0F-0G-2A-13W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU104, 221
Corequisite: CPAU212
Aim: To provide learning opportunities to understand the types of procedures utilized in the auditory assessment of infants and young children (0-5 years), as well as the difficult to test population. To help students understand the philosophy and approach to paediatric hearing assessment and the issues involved.
Content: Development of the auditory mechanism, normal auditory development, hearing disorders in children, paediatric hearing screening, intervention issues, behavioural hearing testing with children, physiological testing, the difficult to test/multiply handicapped child.
Practicals: Exposure to and orientation to test equipment and test procedures.
Assessment: Tests, assignment (60%), and a two-hour written examination (40%). A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: 100% attendance at practicals and 75% lectures


Diagnostic Audiology
CPAU211 W1 (39L-0T-20P-0S-10H-9R-0F-0G-2A-13W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU102, CPAU104
Corequisite: CPAU212
Aim: To facilitate an understanding of the principles underlying various special audiometric tests, to critically discuss testing procedures and to interpret the results obtained from the administration of a special test battery. This theoretical knowledge is essential to the differential diagnosis of clients presenting with an organic or non-organic hearing impairment.
Content: Historical perspective of special tests, diagnostic implementation of immitance measures, tests of cochlear function, tests of retro-cochlear function, tests of central auditory function, and the principles that underline the selection & administration of a special battery of tests.
Practicals: Department Practical for developing testing skills.
Assessment: Two written and one practical test. The written tests are each weighted at 45% each and the practical test is weighted at 10% to make up 100%. There is also a 2 hour final written exam which constitutes 40% of the final mark. A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: Attend 100% of the scheduled practical sessions, attend a minimum of 75% of the lectures and obtain a CAM of ≥40%.
People Are Reading:  PhD Curriculum and Instructional Design and Development


Clinical Practice: Audiological Assessment: I
CPAU212 W2 (0L-20T-6P-0S-29H-5R-85F-0G-15A-13W-16C)
Corequisite: CPAU221, CPAU211
Aim: To develop clinical skills in the initial evaluation of hearing disorders using conventional audiometry, including site-of- lesion tests.
Content: Obtaining and conducting a case interview, selecting and administering a basic audiometric test battery and special test battery for site-of-lesion testing, analysing and interpreting test results, determining appropriate intervention strategies, making appropriate referral, compiling accurate assessment reports & the writing of referal reports.
Practicals: Student observation and clinical testing at university and hospital clinics.
Assessment: 2 Clinical evaluations 60%, clinical reports 10%, case presentations 5%,1 written clinical test 15%, observation reports 5%. Labwork 5%.100% continuous assessment
DP Requirement: Attendance at all scheduled contact periods in clinical modules except where the student has been specifically excused from a particular session by the Head of School or his or her authorised representative.


Behavioural Screening Audiometry
CPAU213 W1 (39L-0T-20P-0S-10H-9R-0F-0G-2A-13W-8C)
Corequisite: CPAU201
Aim: The aim of the this module is to facilitate an understanding of the procedures utilized in screening hearing in selected populations,.the purpose of which is to enhance the Speech-Language Pathologist’s management of their clients, and to expedite referrals to the audiologist for further diagnostic hearing assessments.
Content:  Auditory development, audiological manifestations in different disorders/syndromes, principles of screening, behavioural screening test procedures, hearing screening guidelines, decision making with regard to choice of behavioural tests and the criteria for interpretation, instrumentation used and record keeping.
Assessment: Assessments shall contribute 60% of the final mark. Assessments shall comprise 1 test and one assignment to make up 100% The examination mark will contribute 40% to the final mark. The Examination is one 2- hour written examination The exam will comprise of short questions. A sub minimum mark of 40% for the examination. Calculation formula of CAM: – The tests will be weighted 60% and the assignment 40%, as contribution to the 100% CAM. Calculation formula of exam mark: The examination mark will contribute 100% for the paper. Calculation formula of the final mark: The year mark shall contribute 60%, and the exam mark 40% toward the final mark.
DP Requirement: In order to gain entry to the exam, students must; Attend 100% of their practical sessions and a minimum of 75% of the lectures and obtain a CAM of ≥40%.


Clinical Practice:Initial Audiological Asses
CPAU221 W1 (0L-26T-6P-0S-30H-15R-64F-0G-15A-13W-16C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU104
Corequisite: CPAU212
Aim: To develop clinical skills in the initial evaluation of hearing disorders using conventional audiometry
Content: Interviewing skills, test battery administration (Otoscopic evaluation; tuning fork tests pure tone air- and bone-conduction; speech audiometry; immitance test battery) masking principles, equipment calibration and maintenance, troubleshooting, interpretation of audiometric results, feedback, clinical communication skills, resource development, & the study of relevant cases.
Practicals: Clinic observation, hospital observation, Lab/paper cases.
Assessment: Clinical evaluation (x 2) 40%, Reports (x 2) 20%, observation reports 5%, case presentation 10%, lab/paper cases 10%, clinical test 15%. 100% continuous assessment.
DP Requirement: Attendance at all scheduled contact periods in clinical modules except where the student has been specifically excused from a particular session by the Head of School or his or her authorised representative.


Rehabilitation Technology
CPAU301 W1 (59L-0T-9P-0S-5H-5R-0F-0G-2A-13W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU201, CPAU202, 212, 213
Corequisite: CPAU311, 321, CPAU322
Aim: To facilitate an understanding of the communicative needs of the hearing impaired and deaf population, to select, evaluate and monitor the use of rehabilitative technology.
Content: Basic components of amplification devices, electro-acoustic characteristics, modification of amplification devices and the coupling system, psychoacoustics and rehabilitation technology, amplification device sound measurement, selection and evaluation methodologies, special applications, assistive technology, orientation and counselling, amplification devices in South Africa, cochlear implants, recent advances in amplification devices, & research trends.
Practicals: Orientation to hearing aids, associated technology and equipment used in the evaluation of candidates for hearing instruments and assistive devices.
Assessment: 2 tests, 1assignment (60%), and one 2-hour exam (40%). A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: In order to gain entry to the exam, students must; Attend 100% of their practical sessions and a minimum of 75% of the lectures and obtain a CAM of ≥40%


Auditory Processing Disorders
CPAU303 W2 (27L-0T-6P-0S-26H-20R-0F-0G-1A-7W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU201, 211, 213
Aim: To provide learning opportunities to facilitate a theoretical understanding of the nature and management of auditory processing disorders in children.
Content: Perspectives on auditory processing, neuroanatomy and physiology of the central auditory system, auditory processing of speech, definition of auditory processing and auditory processing disorders, auditory processing & attention deficit, auditory processing and speech-language disorders, assessment and management of auditory processing disorders
Practicals: Orientation to audiologist and speech-language therapists’ assessment tools for Central Auditory Processing Disorders.
Assessment: 1 test, 1 assignment, and one 1-hour examination. A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: Students must attend a minimum of 75% of the lectures and obtain a CAM of ≥ 40%.


Aural Rehabilitation:Adults
CPAU304 W2 (20L-0T-13P-0S-26H-20R-0F-0G-1A-13W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU211
Corequisite: CPAU311
Aim: To provide learning opportunities to facilitate the understanding of assessment and management issues and methodologies pertaining to aural rehabilitation of the adult and older adult.
Content: Degeneration of the auditory system. Pathology : presbycusis and central auditory pathology, modification of conventional test battery, counselling, evaluation and benefit of amplification devices; group and individual management strategies; speech conservation.
Practicals: Exposure to and orientation to test procedures and intervention strategies.
Assessment: Test, assignment, portfolio/resource file (60%) and a one -hour written examination (40%). A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: A minimum of 75% lecture attendance is required and compulsory attendance at practicals and obtain a CAM of ≥40%.


Aural Rehabilitation:Children
CPAU311 W1 (59L-0T-9P-0S-5H-5R-0F-0G-2A-13W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU202, 211, 212
Corequisite: CPAU304, CPSL301
Aim: To provide learning opportunities to facilitate the understanding of assessment and management issues and methodologies pertaining to aural rehabilitation of the preschool and school aged hearing impaired child.
Content: The communication model, early intervention with young hearing impaired children, role and responsibility of parents, family – centred intervention, communication options, oralism, total communication, bilingualism-biculturalism, assessment and intervention of communication function pertaining to speech development, language development, sensory information (speech reading, audition) in hearing impaired children of all ages
Practicals: Visit to school for the deaf, practice and observation of procedures
Assessment: 2 tests and 1 assignment (60%), and a two-hour written examination (40%) constitute the final mark. A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: 100% attendance at practicals and 75% lecture attendance and obtain a CAM of ≥40%.


Sign Language and Deaf Culture
CPAU313 W2 (29L-0T-30P-0S-10H-10R-0F-0G-1A-13W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU201
Aim: To facilitate an understanding of sign language from a linguistic / socio-linguistic perspective, and establish an awareness of deafness as a cultural phenomenon.
Content: Nature of sign language, history of sign language, myths and misconceptions, acquisition of sign language, Structure of sign language, Deaf culture, human rights issues.
Practicals: Weekly sign language lessons offered by a Deaf tutor over 13 weeks
Assessment: 1theory test, 1theory assignment, 1 practical test- (60%), and a 1-hour written examination (40%)
DP Requirement: 100% attendance at practicals and 75% attendance at lectures and obtain a CAM of ≥40%.
People Are Reading:  Midrand Graduate Institute Creative Arts and Communication Courses


Clinical Practice:Paediatric & Special Popul
CPAU321 W1 (0L-20T-39P-0S-29H-20R-52F-0G-0A-13W-16C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU202, 211
Corequisite: CPAU301
Aim: To provide clinical learning opportunities and supervision to develop clinical skills/competencies in the assessment and management of the paediatric and difficult-to-test population
Content: Case history taking, modification of conventional test battery including PCA, VRA, TROCA, BOA, and WIPI; categories of difficult-to-test clientele, speech audiometry, modification of masking techniques, test interpretation, test methodologies and equipment, objective and subjective measures for paediatric and difficult-to-test clients, reliability and validity issues, early identification and screening, recording of test results, evaluation of procedures, report writing, special tests for functional hearing loss, & early identification of hearing loss.
Practicals: Exposure to test equipment and a variety of clients in the paediatric clients
Assessment: 100% continuous assessment, clinical evaluation (x 3) 60% , reports (x 3) 20%, clinical test (x 10) 15%, case presentation (x1) 5%.
DP Requirement: 100% attendance of all scheduled contact periods except where the student has been specifically excused from a particular session by the Head of School or his or her authorized representative, and Submission of a resource file for paediatric hearing assessments


Clinical Practice:Rehabilitation Technology
CPAU322 W2 (0L-26T-26P-0S-30H-15R-0F-62G-1A-13W-16C)
Corequisite: CPAU301
Aim: To develop clinical competencies in the selection, evaluating, and monitoring of rehabilitation technology, especially hearing aids, and counselling for the hearing impaired population.
Content: Electro-acoustics and hearing aids, assistive devices, technological advances earmould impression taking and modification, case interview and needs analysis; hearing instrument selection and evaluation methodologies, counselling and orientation, procurement options of instruments, ethical issues, special applications of amplification, clinical research in the S. A. context, report writing and administration
Practicals: Orientation to hearing aids, associated technology and equipment used in the evaluation of candidates for hearing instruments and assistive devices.
Assessment: Continuous assessment =1 X Oral clinical practical test (30%), 1 X clinical case presentation (5%), 2 x clinical evaluation (50%) (1 group 15% and 1 individual 35%), 1 X written clinic test (10%), Report writing (5%)
DP Requirement: 100% attendance of all scheduled contact periods except where the student has been specifically excused from a particular session by the Head of School or his or her authorised representative.


Auditory Evoked Potentials: Early Responses
CPAU342 W2 (59L-5T-4P-0S-5H-5R-0F-0G-2A-13W-8C)
Prerequisite Requirement: CPAU202, 211, 212
Aim: to provide learning opportunities for students in order to define, describe and explain the concepts and theories that underlie auditory evoked potential testing, and advanced objective testing procedures based on electrophysiological principles.
Content: Anatomical and physiological background, acoustic signal generation and selection, computer averaging, instrumentation, auditory evoked potentials (electro-cochleography, auditory brainstem testing, event-related 40Hz technique, middle latency response, ASSR) description of test procedures, test parameters, description of response patterns for normal and pathological cases, clinical applications, evaluation of test, research trends.
Practicals: Exposure and ‘hands on’ training in and orientation to test equipment and test procedures.
Assessment: Tests and assignments (60%) and Final Exams (40%) constitute the final mark. A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: 100% attendance at practicals and 75% coursework lectures and obtain a CAM of ≥40%.


Industrial Audiology
CPAU401 W1 (27L-0T-6P-0S-26H-20R-0F-0G-1A-7W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU301, 303
Aim: To provide learning opportunities to facilitate the understanding of noise, its measurement, effects and control.
Content: Parameters of noise, instrumentation and measurement of noise, effects of noise exposure, and susceptibility to noise-induced hearing loss, damage risk criteria, and diagnosis of noise induced hearing loss and differential diagnosis, principles and implementation of a comprehensive industrial hearing conservation program, legislation relating to noise control and issues related to compensation.
Practicals: Practical orientation to policy, equipment, and hearing conservation standards. Practical exposure to occupational noise measurements and the planning and implementation of conservation strategies.
Assessment: Marks are equally weighted =1 test and 1 assignment (60%), and one 1 hour exam (40%). A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: In order to gain entry to the exam, students must; attend 100% of their practical sessions and a minimum of 75% of the lectures and obtain a CAM of ≥40%.


Clinical Practice: Aural Rehabilitation
CPAU402 W2 (0L-48T-4P-0S-50H-20R-0F-117G-1A-26W-24C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU301, 303, 311, 313, 321, 322
Aim: To provide learning opportunities to develop clinical competencies necessary for the management of the hearing impaired child and adult.
Content: Communication assessment (formal and informal procedures), speech-language intervention as it pertains to hearing impairment and the consideration of communication/educational options available, family-centred intervention, early intervention, management of pre-school and the school aged child, adult and older adult.
Assessment: Clinical evaluations, 2 X tests, 1 X case presentation, 1 X group project, and clinical reports- 75% of year mark, final oral examination – 25% of final mark. A subminimum of mark of 45% is required for the oral exam.
DP Requirement: 100% attendance at all scheduled sessions. Submission of a clinical portfolio


Clinical Practice:Auditory Evoked Potentials
CPAU403 WY (0L-52T-2P-0S-52H-16R-117F-0G-1A-26W-24C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU321, 342
Corequisite: CPAU441.
Aim: To provide students with opportunities to learn and to conduct specific auditory electrophysiological tests or measures. In so doing, appropriate skills/competencies will be developed. These relate to the selection of appropriate tests, their administration, recording, and interpretation and making decisions/recommendations regarding subsequent management of clients/patients.
Content: Familiarity with and use of auditory and vestibular evoked potential test systems; calibration requirements; identification of patients that require auditory evoked potential and or vestibular assessments; symptomatology with; associated pathological conditions; the case history interview; selection and administration of appropriate electrophysiological tests; data analysis and interpretation; reporting results; management and referral practice; limitations of auditory and vestibular evoked potential tests and testing
Practicals: Exposure to and ‘hands on’ clinical training on test equipment and test materials and practice in using test protocols
Assessment: Continuous over the clinic year. (75%) Plus 1 Clinical Oral Exam (25%). A minimum of 45% CAM/year mark is required to permit the student to sit the final clinical exam. A subminimum of mark of 45% is required for the oral exam. There are no supplementary examinations for this final year clinical module
DP Requirement: 100% attendance at practicals and Fieldwork. Submission of clinical portfolio


Special topics in Audiology
CPAU404 W2 (0L-0T-0P-11S-53H-15R-0F-0G-1A-7W-8C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU301, 303, 311, 313, 322, 342, 441
Aim: To develop an understanding of recent advances in the areas of assessment, management, and research in the discipline of Audiology. This module is seen as an exciting challenge to the senior student in the Audiology programme. It addresses areas not extensively probed and addressed in the programme. It encourages critical appraisal of new approaches, and systems in the practice of Audiology. Discussions that ensue in the presentations are in keeping with the specialist qualification of Audiology.
Content: Recent advances & special topics in assessment, treatment/management and research in Audiology.
Assessment: For individual presentations, the student will be allocated 70% for the written presentation, and 30% for the oral presentation; the latter includes participation and discussion. 1X1 hour examinations shall contribute to 40% of the final mark. A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: 100% attendance at all scheduled seminar sessions.


Research Practice
CPAU411 W1 (8L-20T-0P-6S-85H-0R-40F-0G-2A-26W-16C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU301, 303, 311, 321, 322, 342
Aim: To familiarize students with basic research principles and methods so as to conduct research in the disciplines of Audiology.
Content: Identification of research needs, protocol development, practical aspects of research methodology, literature surveys, methods of data analysis, interpretation and discussion, report writing, editorial care and presentation skills.
Assessment: Evaluation of a written research report. Final mark determined by the average of the internal and external mark.
DP Requirement: As per College rules.


Clinical Practice: Industrial Audiology
CPAU412 W2 (0L-14T-0P-0S-7H-6R-52F-0G-1A-13W-8C)
Corequisite: CPAU401
Aim: To develop competencies necessary to plan and implement an Industrial Hearing Conservation Programme in a selected industrial setting.
Content: Noise, types of noise, noise measurement instrumentation, noise survey, legal aspects and legislation. Industrial conservation programme management. Selection, fitting and evaluation of hearing protection devices.
Assessment: Clinical assignment (15%), clinical practice and oral review (60%) – constitutes 75% of year mark, oral examination –25%. A subminimum of mark of 45% is required for the oral exam.
DP Requirement: 100% attendance at all scheduled sessions. Submission of a clinical portfolio.
People Are Reading:  B Architectural Studies


Clinical Practice: General and Advanced
CPAU421 WY (0L-55T-2P-0S-52H-13R-0F-117G-1A-26W-24C)
Prerequisite Modules: CPAU301, 303, 321, 322
Aim: To facilitate development of competencies in preparation for independent practice in audiology.
Content: Case interviews, test modification, management of children and difficult-to-test, advanced electrophysiological testing, advanced rehabilitation technology, promotion and prevention of hearing disorders, aural rehabilitation of the adult and child, programme management, resource development, central auditory function test, clinical research- identification of need, management of hearing loss in adulthood, counselling ,training parents, teachers, and co-workers, interdisciplinary management of hearing & hearing related disorders.
Assessment: 100% Continuous assessment = 2 x clinical evaluation, 2 x clinical tests, 1 x case presentation, 1 x group presentation (75%), oral examination (25%). A subminimum of mark of 45% is required for the oral exam.
DP Requirement: 100% attendance at all scheduled sessions. Submission of a clinical portfolio


Clinical Practice Community Based Rehab
CPAU431 WY (0L-16T-0P-25S-48H-6R-0F-63G-2A-26W-16C)
Aim: TO develop skills: in working within a community-based rehabilitation context and at a household level, with individuals with severe and multiple handicaps, within a transdisciplinary model of service delivery.
Content: Community access; the facilitation and running of support groups for children with severe disability, involving caregiver, child and CHW; Issues related to learning disability and disadvantage in relation to school readiness; Policy around disability; advocacy.
Practicals: 23 weeks engagement at community level; 1 week orientation;1week case presentation;1 week handover presentation.
Assessment: Formative Assessment: 2 x oral presentations for a group mark which will include a case presentation in the first semester and a handover presentation in the second semester Individual clinical mark. This will be determined by continuous assessment of individual clinical practice with clients and team work with groups. Individual assessment of reflective journal Examination Guidelines: Summative Assessment: 1 oral exam which will include an external examiner. Calculation of marks Case presentation (group mark) 15% Handover presentation (group mark) 25% Individual clinical mark 50% Journal 5% Peer evaluation 5% Calculation formula of the final mark: CAM weighted 75% and oral exam weighted 25% A subminimum of mark of 45% is required for the oral exam.
DP Requirement: 75% attendance required; total year mark includes groups and individual assessment as described above. submission of a clinical portfolio.
There is no supplementary examination for this module.


Auditory Evoked Potentials: Late Responses an
CPAU441 W1 (39L-20T-4P-5S-5H-5R-0F-0G-2A-13W-8C)
Prerequisite Requirement: CPAU342
Aim: To provide learning opportunities to extend the application of electrophysiological testing principles to cortical response audiometry and the assessment of the vestibular system.
Content: Cortical evoked response measures-late and very late response: Vestibular assessment and rehabilitation include case history, interdisciplinary assessment, principles underlying ENG examination, test procedures for central and peripheral test batteries, test parameters, normal and pathological response patterns, clinical application, test evaluation, research needs
Practicals: Exposure to and orientation to test equipment and test procedures. ‘Hand on’ clinical training in these areas.
Assessment: Tests and assignments (60%) and a 1.5 hour final exam. (40%). A subminimum mark of 40% is required for the examination.
DP Requirement: Attendance at 75% of the lectures, 100% at the tutorials and obtain a CAM of ≥40% will be considered in the final granting of a DP.

Bachelor of Audiology    Postgraduate Courses

Masters Degrees

Curriculum for Master in Communication Pathology – Audiology
Code Name of Module
CPAU8FY Masters Research in Communication Pathology – Audiology
CPAU8SY Masters Research in Communication Pathology – Audiology Subsequent year

Doctoral Degrees
CHS – AUDOD 1 Eligibility: Doctor of Philosophy (Audiology)
Candidates are eligible to apply for selection to register for the qualification Doctor of Philosophy (Audiology) provided they have a Master of Communication Pathology (Audiology)

Curriculum for Doctor of Philosophy in Communication Pathology – Audiology
Code Name of Module
CPAU9FY PhD Research in Communication Pathology – Audiology
CPAU9SY PhD Research in Communication Pathology – Audiology Subsequent year

Syllabi – Communication Pathology – Audiology

Diversity in practice of communication pathol
CPAU801 W1 (6L-10T-0P-0S-298H-0R-0F-0G-6A-13W-32C)
Aim: To facilitate students’ understanding & critical reflection of practice in Communication Pathology within a diverse context.
Content: Critical study of the concept of diversity in audiology. Emphasis is placed on the following: evaluation of current assessment and management tools; principles of resource development; modification/development of culturally and linguistically appropriate resources.
Assessment: Assignment outline (20%); assignment (80%)
DP Requirement: 90% attendance at tutorials


Advanced studies in diagnostic audiology
CPAU802 W2 (0L-10T-0P-0S-304H-0R-0F-0G-6A-13W-32C)
Aim: To facilitate students’ critical study of recent and relevant literature in a selected theme within the broad field of diagnostic audiology
Content: Critical review of theoretical assumptions underlying diagnostic audiometric procedures; relevance of current behavioural and electro-physiological measures; recent advances in the field of diagnostic audiology; assessment issues with culturally diverse populations; hearing assessment across the age range
Assessment: assignment outline (20%); assignment (80%)
DP Requirement: 90% attendance at tutorials


Research Methodology
CPAU803 W1 (6L-10T-0P-0S-138H-0R-0F-0G-6A-13W-16C)
Corequisite: CPAU802, 811
Aim: To facilitate the students’ understanding of the research process & development of a research proposal.
Content: What is research? Identifying the research problem, ethics in research, critical review of the literature & development of rationale, research designs (quantitative & qualitative), data analysis and interpretation, research proposal, research report
Assessment: Research proposal (100%)
DP Requirement: 90% attendance at tutorials


Advanced studies in Industrial Audiology
CPAU804 W2 (0L-10T-0P-0S-304H-0R-0F-0G-6A-13W-32C)
Aim: To facilitate students’ critical study of the recent and relevant literature in a selected theme within the broad field of industrial audiology
Content: Critical evaluation of health care in industry; promotion; survey; development, implementation and evaluation of hearing conservation programmes in industry.
Assessment: Assignment outline (20%); assignment (80%)
DP Requirement: 90% attendance at tutorials


Advanced studies in deafness
CPAU806 W2 (0L-10T-0P-0S-304H-0R-0F-0G-6A-13W-32C)
Aim: To facilitate students’ critical study of recent and relevant literature in the field of sign language and deaf issues as applied to the profession of communication pathology and deaf education.
Content: Debates surrounding the cultural view of deafness; status of sign language; critical evaluation of educational options in deaf education; implications of the bilingual-bicultural view on deafness for the profession of audiology
Assessment: Assignment outline (20%); assignment (80%)
DP Requirement: 90% attendance at tutorials


Advanced studies in Audiological management
CPAU808 W2 (0L-10T-0P-0S-304H-0R-0F-0G-6A-13W-32C)
Corequisite: CPAU811
Aim: To facilitate students’ critical study of recent and relevant literature in a selected theme within the broad field of audiological management
Content: Critical review of the management of the hearing impaired population (infant to geriatric); strategies and implications in managing congenital and acquired hearing loss; critical evaluation of communication methods/philosophies in managing hearing impairment; educational audiology; recent advances in rehabilitation technology.
Assessment: Assignment outline (20%); assignment (80%)
DP Requirement: 90% attendance at tutorials


Short Dissertation
CPAU811 WY (0L-10T-0P-1S-621H-0R-160F-0G-8A-13W-80C)
Corequisite: CPAU801 802, 803
Aim: To facilitate the students’ ability to conduct research & submit a short-dissertation on an approved topic.
Content: Planning the research process, developing data collection instruments, obtaining ethical clearance, implementing data collection, analysis and interpretation of findings, & writing a research report.
Assessment: Research report (100%)
DP Requirement: 90% attendance at tutorials and presentations at seminar


Masters Research in Audiology
CPAU8FY WY (0L-39T-0P-3S-1690H-0R-160F-0G-24A-52W-192C)
Aim: To facilitate the students’ ability to conduct research & submit a full research dissertation on an approved topic
Content: Planning the research process, developing data collection instruments, obtaining ethical clearance, implementing data collection, analysis and interpretation of findings, & writing a research report.
Assessment: Research report (100%)
DP Requirement: 90% attendance at tutorials and presentations at seminar

Academic Admission Officers

Chetty Vanessa

Phone: 031 260 8833
Phone: 031 260 8833
Hlongwa Nokuthula

Phone: 031 260 8833