University of Pretoria Courses

University of Pretoria Courses

The University has seven campuses as well as a number of other sites of operation, such as the Pretoria Academic Hospital. Central administration is located at the Hatfield Campus.
The University of Pretoria offers more than 1 800 academic programmes in two of the official languages, namely Afrikaans and English. (Some programmes and modules are offered only in English.)



Economic and Management Sciences 

BAdmin International Relations UP

BAdmin Public Administration UP

BAdmin Public Management UP

BCom Accounting Sciences UP

BCom Agribusiness Management UP

BCom Business Management UP

BCom Econometrics UP

BCom Economic and Management Sc UP

BCom Economics UP

BCom Entrepreneurship UP

BCom Extended programme UP

BCom Financial Sciences UP

BCom Human Resource Management UP

BCom Informatics Information Systems UP

BCom Investment Management UP

BCom Law UP

BCom Marketing Management UP

BCom Statistics UP

BCom Supply Chain Management UP



BEd Foundation Phase Teaching UP

BEd Intermediate Phase Teaching UP

BEd Senior Phase and Further Education and Training Teaching


Engineering, Built Environment & IT

BEng Chemical Engineering UP

BEng Civil Engineering UP

BEng Computer Engineering UP

BEng Electrical Engineering UP

BEng Electronic Engineering UP

BEng Industrial Engineering UP

BEng Mechanical Engineering UP

BEng Metallurgical Engineering UP

BEng Mining Engineering UP

BIS Information Science UP

BIS Multimedia UP

BIS Publishing UP

BSc Computer Science UP

BSc Information and Knowledge Systems UP

BSc Interior Architecture UP

BSc Architecture UP

BSc Landscape Architecture UP

BSc Construction Management UP

BSc Quantity Surveying UP

BSc Real Estate UP

BTRP Town and Regional Planning UP


Health Sciences

BChD Dentistry UP

BCMP Clinical Medical Practice UP

BCur Nursing Science (Education and Administration) UP

BDietetics UP

BNurs UP

BOccTher Occupational Therapy UP

BOH Oral Hygiene UP

BPhysio Physiotherapy UP

BRad Diagnostics UP

BSportSci UP

MBChB Medicine UP



BA Audiology UP

BA Fine Arts UP

BA Humanities UP

BA Information Design UP

BA Languages UP

BA Speech-Language Pathology UP

BA Visual Studies UP

BDram UP


BPolSci International Studies UP

BPolSci Political Studies UP

BSocSci Heritage and Cultural Tourism UP

BSocSci Industrial Sociology and Labour Studies  UP

BSocSci Philosophy, Politics and Economics UP

BSW Social Work UP





Natural & Agricultural Sciences

BConSci Clothing Retail Management UP

BConSci Food Retail Management UP

BConSci Hospitality Management UP

BSc Actuarial and Financial Mathematics UP

BSc Applied Mathematics UP

BSc Biochemistry UP

BSc Biological Sciences UP

BSc Biotechnology  UP

BSc Chemistry UP

BSc Culinary Science UP

BSc Ecology UP

BSc Engineering and Environmental Geology UP

BSc Entomology UP

BSc Environmental Sciences UP

BSc Extended programme – Biological and Agricultural Sciences UP

BSc Extended programme – Mathematical Sciences UP

BSc Extended programme – Physical Sciences UP

BSc Food Science UP

BSc Genetics UP

BSc Geography UP

BSc Geoinformatics UP

BSc Geology UP

BSc Human Genetics UP

BSc Human Physiology UP

BSc Human Physiology, Genetics and Psychology UP

BSc Mathematical Statistics UP

BSc Mathematics UP

BSc Medical Sciences UP

BSc Meteorology UP

BSc Microbiology UP

BSc Nutrition UP

BSc Physics UP

BSc Plant Science UP

BSc Zoology UP

BScAgric Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Management UP

BScAgric Animal and Pasture Science UP

BScAgric Animal Science UP

BScAgric Applied Plant and Soil Sciences UP

BScAgric Plant Pathology UP




Veterinary Science




Economic and Management Sciences


BAdminHons Public Administration and Management

BComHons Agricultural Economics

BComHons Business Management

BComHons Communication Management

BComHons Econometrics

BComHons Economics

BComHons Financial Management Science

BComHons Human Resources Management

BComHons Informatics

BComHons Investment Management

BComHons Marketing Management

BComHons Mathematical Statistics

BComHons Recreation and Sports Management

BComHons Statistics

BComHons Taxation

BComHons Tourism Management




MAdmin Municipal Administration

MAdmin Public Administration

MAdmin Public Management

MCom Accounting Sciences

MCom Accounting Sciences (Coursework)

MCom Agricultural Economics

MCom Auditing

MCom Business Management

MCom Communication Management

MCom Communication Management (Coursework)

MCom Econometrics (Coursework)

MCom Economics (Coursework)

MCom Financial Management Sciences

MCom Financial Management Sciences (Coursework)

MCom Human Resource Management (Coursework)

MCom Industrial Psychology (Coursework)

MCom Informatics

MCom Marketing Management

MCom Marketing Management (Coursework)

MCom Mathematical Statistics (Coursework)

MCom Recreation and Sports Management

MCom Statistics

MCom Statistics (Coursework)

MCom Taxation

MCom Taxation (Coursework)

MCom Tourism Management

MPA (Coursework)

MPA Public Infrastructure Management (Coursework)

MPhil Accounting Sciences Fraud Risk Management (Coursework)

MPhil Agricultural Economics (Coursework)

MPhil Business Management Responsible Leadership (Coursework)

MPhil Business Management Supply Chain Management (Coursework)

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MPhil Communication Management

MPhil Economics (Coursework)

MPhil Entrepreneurship (Coursework)

MPhil Internal Auditing (Coursework)

MPhil Labour Relations Management

MPhil Marketing Management Marketing Research (Coursework)

MPhil Public Policy

MPhil Taxation (Coursework)

MPhil Tourism Management

MPhil Tourism Management (Coursework)



Postgraduate Diploma/Certificates



Postgraduate Diploma/Certificates

Engineering, Built Environment & IT


BArchHons Architecture

BEngHons Bioengineering

BEngHons Chemical Engineering

BEngHons Computer Engineering

BEngHons Control Engineering

BEngHons Electrical Engineering

BEngHons Electronic Engineering

BEngHons Environmental Engineering

BEngHons Geotechnical Engineering

BEngHons Industrial Engineering

BEngHons Mechanical Engineering

BEngHons Metallurgical Engineering

BEngHons Microelectronic Engineering

BEngHons Mining Engineering

BEngHons Structural Engineering

BEngHons Technology Management

BEngHons Transportation Engineering

BEngHons Water Resources Engineering

BEngHons Water Utilisation Engineering

BIArchHons Interior Architecture

BISHons Information Science

BISHons Multimedia

BISHons Publishing

BLArchHons Landscape Architecture

BScHons Applied Science Chemical Technology

BScHons Applied Science Environmental Technology

BScHons Applied Science Geotechnics

BScHons Applied Science Industrial Systems

BScHons Applied Science Mechanics

BScHons Applied Science Metallurgy

BScHons Applied Science Mining

BScHons Applied Science Structures

BScHons Applied Science Transportation Planning

BScHons Applied Science Water Resources

BScHons Applied Science Water Utilisation

BScHons Architecture

BScHons Computer Science

BScHons Construction Management

BScHons Quantity Surveying

BScHons Real Estate

BScHons Technology Management



MArch (Professional)

MArch Architecture

MEng Bioengineering

MEng Chemical Engineering

MEng Computer Engineering

MEng Control Engineering

MEng Electrical Engineering

MEng Electronic Engineering

MEng Engineering Management (Coursework)

MEng Environmental Engineering

MEng Geotechnical Engineering

MEng Industrial Engineering

MEng Mechanical Engineering

MEng Metallurgical Engineering

MEng Microelectronic Engineering

MEng Mining Engineering

MEng Project Management (Coursework)

MEng Software Engineering

MEng Structural Engineering

MEng Technology Management

MEng Technology Management (Coursework)

MEng Transportation Engineering

MEng Water Resources Engineering

MEng Water Utilisation Engineering


MIntArch Professional

MIS Information Science

MIS Library Science

MIS Multimedia

MIS Publishing

MIT Information Systems

MIT Information Technology

MLArch (Professional)

MLArch Landscape Architecture

MSc Applied Science Architecture (Coursework)

MSc Applied Science Chemical Technology

MSc Applied Science Control

MSc Applied Science Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

MSc Applied Science Environmental Technology

MSc Applied Science Geotechnics

MSc Applied Science Industrial Systems

MSc Applied Science Structures

MSc Applied Science Transportation Planning

People Are Reading:  BComHons Marketing Management

MSc Applied Science Water Resources

MSc Applied Science Water Utilisation

MSc Computer Science

MSc Construction Management

MSc Engineering Management (Coursework)

MSc Project Management

MSc Quantity Surveying

MSc Real Estate Retail property (Coursework)

MSc Real Estate

MSc Real Estate (Coursework)

MSc Technology Management

MSc Technology Management (Coursework)

MTRP (Coursework)

MTRP Town and Regional Planning



MArch (Professional)

MArch Architecture

MEng Bioengineering

MEng Chemical Engineering

MEng Computer Engineering

MEng Control Engineering

MEng Electrical Engineering

MEng Electronic Engineering

MEng Engineering Management (Coursework)

MEng Environmental Engineering

MEng Geotechnical Engineering

MEng Industrial Engineering

MEng Mechanical Engineering

MEng Metallurgical Engineering

MEng Microelectronic Engineering

MEng Mining Engineering

MEng Project Management (Coursework)

MEng Software Engineering

MEng Structural Engineering

MEng Technology Management

MEng Technology Management (Coursework)

MEng Transportation Engineering

MEng Water Resources Engineering

MEng Water Utilisation Engineering


MIntArch Professional

MIS Information Science

MIS Library Science

MIS Multimedia

MIS Publishing

MIT Information Systems

MIT Information Technology

MLArch (Professional)

MLArch Landscape Architecture

MSc Applied Science Architecture (Coursework)

MSc Applied Science Chemical Technology

MSc Applied Science Control

MSc Applied Science Electrical, Electronic and Computer Engineering

MSc Applied Science Environmental Technology

MSc Applied Science Geotechnics

MSc Applied Science Industrial Systems

MSc Applied Science Structures

MSc Applied Science Transportation Planning

MSc Applied Science Water Resources

MSc Applied Science Water Utilisation

MSc Computer Science

MSc Construction Management

MSc Engineering Management (Coursework)

MSc Project Management

MSc Quantity Surveying

MSc Real Estate Retail property (Coursework)

MSc Real Estate

MSc Real Estate (Coursework)

MSc Technology Management

MSc Technology Management (Coursework)

MTRP (Coursework)

MTRP Town and Regional Planning



PhD Architecture

PhD Biosystems

PhD Chemical Engineering

PhD Chemical Technology

PhD Civil

PhD Civil Engineering

PhD Computer Engineering

PhD Computer Science

PhD Construction Management

PhD Electric

PhD Electrical Engineering

PhD Electronic Engineering

PhD Electronics

PhD Engineering Management

PhD Engineering Management

PhD Industrial Engineering

PhD Industrial Systems

PhD Information Science

PhD Information Systems

PhD Information Technology

PhD Interior Architecture

PhD Landscape Architecture

PhD Library Science

PhD Mechanical Engineering

PhD Mechanics

PhD Metallurgical Engineering

PhD Metallurgy

PhD Mining

PhD Mining Engineering

PhD Project Management

PhD Project Management

PhD Publishing

PhD Quantity Surveying

PhD Real Estate

PhD Technology Management

PhD Technology Management

PhD Town and Regional Planning


Health Sciences


BRadHons Diagnostics

BRadHons Nuclear Medicine

BRadHons Nuclear Medicine

BRadHons Radiation Therapy

BRadHons Radiation Therapy

BScHons Aerospace Medicine

BScHons Anatomy

BScHons Biokinetics

BScHons Cell Biology

BScHons Chemical Pathology

BScHons Comparative Anatomy

BScHons Developmental Biology

BScHons Environmental Health

BScHons Haematology

BScHons Human Cell Biology

BScHons Human Genetics

BScHons Human Histology

BScHons Human Physiology

BScHons Macro-anatomy

BScHons Medical Criminalistics

BScHons Medical Immunology

BScHons Medical Microbiology

BScHons Medical Nuclear Science

BScHons Medical Oncology

BScHons Medical Physics

BScHons Medical Virology

BScHons Neuro-anatomy

BScHons Occupational Hygiene

BScHons Pharmacology

BScHons Physical Anthropology

BScHons Radiation Oncology

BScHons Reproductive Biology Andrology

BScHons Reproductive Biology



MChD Community Dentistry

MChD Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Med)

MChD Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Dent)

MChD Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Med)

MChD Maxillofacial and Oral Surgery (endorsement ChirMaxFac-Med)

MChD Oral Pathology

MChD Orthodontics

MChD Periodontics and Oral Medicine

MChD Prosthodontics

MDietetics (Coursework)

MDietetics Dietetics

MECI Early Childhood Intervention

MMed Anaesthesiology

MMed Anatomical Pathology

MMed Chemical Pathology

MMed Clinical Pathology

MMed Dermatology

MMed Emergency Medicine

MMed Family Medicine

MMed Forensic Pathology

MMed Geriatrics

MMed Haematology

MMed Internal Medicine

MMed Medical Microbiology

MMed Medical Oncology

MMed Neurology

MMed Neurosurgery

MMed Nuclear Medicine

MMed Obstetrics and Gynaecology

MMed Ophthalmology

MMed Orthopaedics

MMed Otorhinolaryngology

MMed Paediatrics

MMed Pathology Medical Virology

MMed Plastic Surgery

MMed Psychiatry

MMed Public Health Medicine

MMed Radiation Oncology

MMed Radiological Diagnostics

MMed Surgery Paediatric Surgery

MMed Surgery

MMed Thoracic Surgery

MMed Urology

MMilMed Military Medicine

MNurs Clinical Fields of Study

MNurs Clinical Fields of Study (Coursework)

MNurs Nursing Education

MNurs Nursing Education (Coursework)

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MNurs Nursing Management

MNurs Nursing Management (Coursework)

MOccTher Activity Theory (Coursework)

MOccTher Hand Therapy (Coursework)

MOccTher Neurology (Cousework)

MOccTher Occupational Therapy

MOccTher Paediatrics (Coursework)

MOccTher Psychiatry (Coursework)


MPharmMed PharmMed

MPhil Allergology (Coursework)

MPhil Cardiology (Coursework)

MPhil Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (Coursework)

MPhil Clinical Haematology (Coursework)

MPhil Critical Care (Coursework)

MPhil Developmental Paediatrics (Coursework)

MPhil Endocrinology and Metabolism (Coursework)

MPhil Forensic Psyhiatry (Coursework)

MPhil Gynaecological Oncology (Coursework)

MPhil Infectious Diseases (Coursework)

MPhil Maternal and Fetal Medicine (Coursework)

MPhil Medical Gastroenterology (Coursework)

MPhil Medical Oncology (Coursework)

MPhil Neonatology (Coursework)

MPhil Nephrology (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Allergology (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Cardiology (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Critical Care (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Endocrinology and Metabolism (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Gastroenterology (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Infectious Diseases (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Nephrology (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Neurology (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Oncology (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Pulmonology (Coursework)

MPhil Paediatric Rheumatology (Coursework)

MPhil Philosophy and Ethics of Mental Health (Coursework)

MPhil Pulmonology (Coursework)

MPhil Reproductive Medicine (Coursework)

MPhil Rheumatology (Coursework)

MPhil Surgical Gastroenterology (Coursework)

MPhil Trauma Surgery (Coursework)

MPhil Vascular Surgery (Coursework)


MPhysio Internal Medicine (Coursework)

MPhysio Neurology/Neurosurgery (Coursework)

MPhysio Orthopaedic Manual Therapy (Coursework)

MPhysio Orthopaedics (Coursework)

MPhysio Paediatrics (Coursework)

MPhysio Sports Medicine (Coursework)

MPhysio Surgery (Coursework)

MPhysio Women’s Health (Coursework)

MRad Diagnostics

MRad Nuclear Medicine

MRad Radiation Therapy

MSc Aerospace Medicine

MSc Aerospace Medicine

MSc Anatomy

MSc Applied Human Nutrition

MSc Cell Biology

MSc Chemical Pathology

MSc Clinical Epidemiology

MSc Dentistry Maxillofacial and Oral Radiology (Coursework)

MSc Dentistry Oral Surgery (Coursework)

MSc Dentistry

MSc Environmental Health

MSc Epidemiology

MSc Haematology

MSc Human Genetics

MSc Human Physiology

MSc Medical Applied Psychology

MSc Medical Criminalistics

MSc Medical Immunology

MSc Medical Microbiology

MSc Medical Nuclear Science

MSc Medical Oncology

MSc Medical Physics

MSc Medical Virology

MSc Pharmacology

MSc Public Health

MSc Radiation Oncology

MSc Reproductive Biology Andrology

MSc Reproductive Biology

MSc Sports Medicine (Coursework)

MSc Sports Science



DMed Anaesthesiology

DMed Anatomy

DMed Andrology

DMed Community Health

DMed Dermatology

DMed Family Medicine

DMed Forensic Medicine

DMed Geriatrics

DMed Haematology

DMed Health Systems

DMed Human Physiology

DMed Internal Medicine

DMed Medical Microbiology

DMed Medical Oncology

DMed Neurology

DMed Neurosurgery

DMed Obstetrics and Gynaecology

DMed Ophthalmology

DMed Orthopaedics

DMed Otorhinolaryngology

DMed Paediatrics

DMed Pathology

DMed Pharmacology

DMed Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery

DMed Psychiatry

DMed Public Health

DMed Radiation Oncology

DMed Radiological Diagnostics

DMed Reproductive Biology

DMed Surgery

DMed Thoracic Surgery

DMed Urology

PhD Aerospace Medicine

PhD Anaesthesiology

PhD Anatomical Pathology

PhD Anatomy

PhD Chemical Pathology

PhD Community Health

PhD Dentistry

PhD Diagnostic Radiology

PhD Dietetics

PhD Environmental Health

PhD Epidemiology

PhD Family Medicine

PhD Forensic Pathology

PhD Haematology

PhD Health Ethics

PhD Health Systems

PhD Human Genetics

PhD Human Physiology

PhD Internal Medicine

PhD Medical criminalistics

PhD Medical Immunology

PhD Medical Microbiology

PhD Medical Nuclear Science

PhD Medical Oncology

PhD Medical Physics

PhD Medical Virology

PhD Mental Health

PhD Neurology

PhD Nursing Science

PhD Obstetrics and Gynaecology

PhD Occupational Therapy

PhD Orthopaedics

PhD Paediatrics

PhD Pharmacology

PhD Physiotherapy

PhD Psychiatry

PhD Public Health

PhD Radiography

PhD Reproductive Biology Andrology

PhD Reproductive Biology

PhD Sports Medicine

PhD Sports Science Biokinetics

PhD Sports Science Biomechanics

PhD Sports Science

PhD Surgery

PhD Urology


Postgraduate Diploma/Certificates

PGDip Dentistry Aesthetic Dentistry

PGDip Dentistry Community Dentistry

PGDip Dentistry Dental Materials

PGDip Dentistry Endodontics

PGDip Dentistry Forensic Odontology

PGDip Dentistry Implantology

PGDip Dentistry Oral Medicine

PGDip Dentistry Oral Microbiology

PGDip Dentistry Oral Pathology

PGDip Dentistry Oral Surgery

PGDip Dentistry Orthodontics

PGDip Dentistry Pedodontics

PGDip Dentistry Periodontology

PGDip Dentistry Practice Management

PGDip Dentistry Preventive Dentistry

PGDip Dentistry Prosthetics

PGDip Dentistry Prosthodontics

PGDip Dentistry Radiography

PGDip Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

PGDip Family Medicine

PGDip General Ultrasound

PGDip Hand Therapy

PGDip Health Systems Management Executive Leadership

PGDip Health Systems Management General Operations

PGDip Occupational Medicine and Health

PGDip Public Health

PGDip Vocational Rehabilitation